Trading Bones: ADOPTED! / Still taking reservations on Lucky/Freya | LF: Del or Roald!

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Haha! Don't we all at some point? Also, may I check this new wifi I have just incase I can use that? I can still get him if it doesn't work, I promise.
Wait, Nevermind. Too much messing around to be done right now.

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Also, it's a spare character..! I'm a girl not a guy! D: it happens..
Take good care of that lil pup ; o ;)~

Note to the rest: I'm now taking reservations up top in exchange for Del (provided my trade for Roald doesn't fall through) ^^;;
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I will, my town is shaping into what I need it to be quickly.

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I'm also jealous of your blue roses.
Is lucky available? I'll buy him of you need bells ;o;
Hnnn...I'd love to reserve Lucky. ;__; If no one decides to take him...ME ME ME~
Lucky would so rock- if no one reserves him while I'm typing may I reserve him?

Is lucky available? I'll buy him of you need bells ;o;

Hnnn...I'd love to reserve Lucky. ;__; If no one decides to take him...ME ME ME~

Remember, I'm reserving these 2 off in the agreement that you'll try to find me Del :T
First one to let me know they understand that gets to reserve him for 2 days.
welp, this is what I get for getting my hopes up :/
My trade for Roald fell through ..again, so Roald's back on the table to trade me for either Lucky or Freya!
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