Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

Okay, voiding. I need some advice, guys! I haven't thought about filling a Cranky spot in my main town, and I'm currently thinking about Bruce, Fang or Static. Which one do you guys like better? ^o^

Out of all those guys I would personally choose Static :) I think there is actually a auction for him going on right now !
Ugh my mom is forcing me to go to the pool with my little sister. I'll be back in a couple of hours.
I love Static! He'd still be in my town if he hadn't've left suddenly.... And I love Fang! I've been resetting my campsite like crazy to get either Fang or Marshal...
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I actually decided on Bruce, haha. I ship him and Diana so I thought it would be pretty cool ;u; Finally decided on all my dream villagers, and they're going to be reserved for me from now on. Sorry for everyone looking for those villagers!!
Hazel moved in! Also...


Tia is in boxes!