Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

Well, last night didn't go over well. ;A; Something happened and it was impossible for me to get anything done. But do I have to void Peanut?!

EDIT: Oh wow... she was voided during the night anyway. That's too bad (?ー`)
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Katt moved in!

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Molly is in boxes!
Okay, voiding. I need some advice, guys! I haven't thought about filling a Cranky spot in my main town, and I'm currently thinking about Bruce, Fang or Static. Which one do you guys like better? ^o^
I also need room for Felicity tomorrow...ah, why are these villagers so cute xD

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Okay, voiding. I need some advice, guys! I haven't thought about filling a Cranky spot in my main town, and I'm currently thinking about Bruce, Fang or Static. Which one do you guys like better? ^o^

Bye Molly... <3

Get Bruce <3
Okay, voiding. I need some advice, guys! I haven't thought about filling a Cranky spot in my main town, and I'm currently thinking about Bruce, Fang or Static. Which one do you guys like better? ^o^
Static, static, static!
I have him and he's super cute.