Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline


Goldie is in boxes!
She'd better! I remember someone was looking for her, she's adorable. My bro had her in Wild World.
5 more minutes :c

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Oh well... Goldie was voided. :c
Just letting you guys know I'll be taking a break from cycling when the current villagers in first post are gone. >u<

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-kills self, kicks self, punches self- WHYYYYYYYYYY
Hi guys! I changed my mind, I will be cycling after all - just not as frequent. In addition to these horrible exams(which is three years worth of studying - each!!) I also have a huge animation project coming up in school, so bear with me if I only pop in once a week ;~;

Tonight I'm staying for an hour. Not many exciting villagers right now, Wolfgang is still staying put... But we have Bluebear with us!

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Oh... Sorry guys, Pashmina is actually leaving so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to TT someone out of my main. ;n; So no cycling tonight. Bummer...