does the peony path not have top and bottom pieces? T^T
Hi Amykins.I've been lurking here a bit, and i love your paths.I have a really stupid question.I noticed that you have Rainbow bright in the topic, and i have checked all the pages twice and still can't find anything from Rainbow Bright.I feel stupid asking, but could you help me find it? Thanks.
Amykins hasn't been active since May... But she originally had clothes and paths in the same thread. The Rainbow Bright QR is for a dress she designed in this thread (she never got around to changing the title I suppose):!
does anyone know if she's ever made a middle or "omnibrick" for the brick stairs?
Blarg, I thought I uploaded the candy path here but I totally derped and forgot! Here's the whole set, thanks for your patience!
Also, after I'm done with the mossy cobblestone (which is taking way longer than I thought) I'll finish that purple path. <3
Hey, Amy! Glad to see you!
I hope you don't mind, but I've made a few of the missing pieces people needed for your paths while you were gone. ^^;