Bring back AC: CF!

We still need more people. I say, someone go PM like all of the more known members on TBT, and tell them about this. I'd do it, but I'm doing my science project. :/
I didn't think ACCF ever died...people you knew for a long time on CF just quit after awhile, and then newer people come in. There are plenty of little "social circles" online with CF and some of them just die out. If by bringing back ACCF, you mean bringing back people who stopped playing, then sure, I'll sign.
I'd join, but i'm not restarting my game. So I'm not
Mr.L said:
anicamlcrossinggirl said:
Your gonna fail troll
I wasn't talking to you,5 year old.
Don't be so rude, Unfunny CD-i Meme Guy.

It's not nice to post short, negative comments and derail topics. If you think it'll have a downfall, lurk. If not, don't post here L. Now please, do not flame and let us all get back on topic. Thank you.
anicamlcrossinggirl said:
Yaaaaa Ms.L

Says the girl who misspelled her own username,nice job ******.