Bug-Off Multiplayer-Get Trophies Faster!


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2023
Sautéed Mushrooms
100% (99) +
The first Bug-Off of the year is coming up this Saturday! I'm not sure how much I can participate because it looks like I'll have some family events on that day, but I'm hoping I'll have time to participate in a multiplayer Bug-Off so I thought I'd start this thread to advertise the benefits of multiplayer Bug-Offs and to help people coordinate. You can read the full details here, but in short, catching a minimum of 5-15 bugs as a group per round of multiplayer can get each player 5-10 bonus points each round. This makes it a lot easier to get enough points to get the bronze, silver, and gold trophies as well as to buy all of the Bug-Off loot!

One downside of multiplayer Bug-Offs is that each player has to sell or remove their bugs from the cage before the next round can begin so that means that the other players are left waiting during that time. If, by some miracle, there are 6 players interested in multiplayer Bug-Offs at the same time, I'd recommend that that the players break up into 2 groups of 3 instead of trying to fit all 6 players on one island.

@Suguri and @ShawnFuzz, I think you both were interested in participating in a multiplayer Bug-Off? Sorry if I tagged the wrong people.

I'm in the EST time zone, and I don't currently have any Bug-Off trophies. I think I might be at least halfway to getting the bronze, but I didn't know about the trophies during the last Bug-Off. It looks like I might be busy in both the morning and the evening with family events, but I'm hoping that I'll have some free time in the middle to participate.
Hi! Yes, I'm still interested! Would you mind me bringing someone else along too? I just asked my friend @ZeldaCrossing64 if they wanted to do the Bug-Off and they said yes!
Sure! This thread is for people to find teammates for multiplayer. I know a lot of people are in earlier time zones than I am, and I'm not sure how much I'll be around during the Bug-Off so people can post whether their island is open or if they're looking for a teammate during the Bug-Off.

I did buy turnips a couple of weeks ago just so that they would go rotten for the Bug-Off so I'm hoping that I can have my island open part of the time. I just don't know for sure that I'll be available.
So does anyone have any plans to host this bug off as a team? This will be my first bug off, so I am hesitant to host this time around. I am off all day on Saturday, so I am open to others schedules. I am in MDT zone. I think it will be fun working with others, especially since I haven't had the chance to play with people online other than trading items.
So does anyone have any plans to host this bug off as a team? This will be my first bug off, so I am hesitant to host this time around. I am off all day on Saturday, so I am open to others schedules. I am in MDT zone. I think it will be fun working with others, especially since I haven't had the chance to play with people online other than trading items.
If I'm free, then I'll post to invite other people to my island then. I'm just not sure exactly when or if I'll be free because my family is considering getting together for breakfast, dinner, and possibly a local event on that day. Hopefully, if I'm not free, someone else will offer.

I do suggest that anyone offering to host post the Dodo code in a conversation instead of the thread directly. This is because people entering and leaving the island ends the current round of the Bug-Off. My plan for hosting is to have a conversation between everyone in the multiplayer and to check that conversation between each round. I'm terrible at sending messages quickly in the game so I'd prefer to send messages through this site instead.
If I'm free, then I'll post to invite other people to my island then. I'm just not sure exactly when or if I'll be free because my family is considering getting together for breakfast, dinner, and possibly a local event on that day. Hopefully, if I'm not free, someone else will offer.

I do suggest that anyone offering to host post the Dodo code in a conversation instead of the thread directly. This is because people entering and leaving the island ends the current round of the Bug-Off. My plan for hosting is to have a conversation between everyone in the multiplayer and to check that conversation between each round. I'm terrible at sending messages quickly in the game so I'd prefer to send messages through this site instead.
I might host on my island if you're not available. I usually wouldn't do that because I'm nervous and it's also my first time doing the Bug-Off, but I doubt a lot of people are going to be interested enough in the multiplayer thing to host. Plus, I want my trophies!

Anyway, My timezone is PDT and my island's got a bunch of trees and flowers and stuff so it should be good. I didn't prepare the turnips though... I only got a rotten one near my house. T_T It'll be fine, though.

I hope that's okay with you @ShawnFuzz.
Anyway, My timezone is PDT and my island's got a bunch of trees and flowers and stuff so it should be good. I didn't prepare the turnips though... I only got a rotten one near my house. T_T It'll be fine, though.
Not to worry, I only have two rotten turnips. I bought 100 turnips so that I could have 10 stacks of 10 rotten turnips each, but they all morphed into ONE stack of rotten turnips. :mad:

I'm planning to check my storage for candies and lollipops because those attract ants. If I don't have any, then I'll put trash all over my island in hopes of attracting flies.
I might host on my island if you're not available. I usually wouldn't do that because I'm nervous and it's also my first time doing the Bug-Off, but I doubt a lot of people are going to be interested enough in the multiplayer thing to host. Plus, I want my trophies!

Anyway, My timezone is PDT and my island's got a bunch of trees and flowers and stuff so it should be good. I didn't prepare the turnips though... I only got a rotten one near my house. T_T It'll be fine, though.

I hope that's okay with you @ShawnFuzz.

That's absolutely okay with me! This is my first bug off as well so I understand the hesitancy. Like I said, if Mountain_Elements has to leave, and you don't feel comfortable hosting, I will host. My island is kind of overrun with flowers though, which might be good for some bugs, but not others. And I don't have ramps up to my cliff areas, so you will need a ladder to navigate certain parts. I can chop a few trees in easier to get too areas for tree stump bugs.

I will need help joining a multiplayer chat on here though, since I haven't done that before. I agree that typing in game takes too long, so chatting here in between rounds would be a good idea.

I am a night owl thanks to my work schedule, but I will wake up early if that is when you all can team up. Just let me know a general time frame, and I will be there!
I will need help joining a multiplayer chat on here though, since I haven't done that before. I agree that typing in game takes too long, so chatting here in between rounds would be a good idea.
I believe in the Nintendo Switch Online app, there is a feature in NookLink where you can type your message with the phone keyboard and you can send it to the game. I've used it a few times and it's quite useful.
I believe in the Nintendo Switch Online app, there is a feature in NookLink where you can type your message with the phone keyboard and you can send it to the game. I've used it a few times and it's quite useful.
I don't have the app, but I've seen that you can invite people into a conversation in this forum so I think you can just start a conversation with one person and then invite in others.

I finally got times for my family responsibilities tomorrow! The family breakfast is at 10:30 AM EST, people are probably going to start coming over for the family dinner at 2 PM tomorrow, and I'll probably have something I need to do at 1 or 1:30 PM tomorrow. That means I should be able to play from 9 AM to 10 AM, around noon for an hour, and then after everyone leaves tomorrow if someone in another time zone is hosting at that point because my Bug-Off will probably be over.

I know that 9 AM is pretty early for Suguri at least so I'm not expecting anyone to adjust their schedule for me. If someone is hosting when I'm free, then I'll go to their island. If no one is hosting, then I'll post a notice in the thread that I'm willing to host for a bit, and people can show up or not as their own schedules allow.
This is sounding great! I might be able to make it at 9am EST. I think that is 11am my time. Basically I a free all day, so whatever time frames work for you all!
This is sounding great! I might be able to make it at 9am EST. I think that is 11am my time. Basically I a free all day, so whatever time frames work for you all!
That would be nice, but Google is telling me that MDT is 2 hours behind EST so I think 9 AM my time is 7 AM your time. If you can still make it, great! If not, that's fine.

Honestly, my main goal for this Bug-Off is getting all of the loot for my catalogue, which would get me the bronze trophy in the process. Getting the silver and gold trophies would be awesome, but they might have to wait for future Bug-Offs, given my family responsibilities.
Hmm... 9 AM might be early for me, but I can probably play at noon at the very least!

By the way, do we know who's hosting? Suguri told me they would host at their island.
@/Mountain_Elements, is gonna host first and then me and @/ShawnFuzz and @/futileberry1214 are also considering hosting (likely after Mountain_Elements's timeslot). It doesn't seem like we have we have a plan finalized though... right?
Hmm... 9 AM might be early for me, but I can probably play at noon at the very least!

By the way, do we know who's hosting? Suguri told me they would host at their island.
I think that different people will be hosting, based on when they will be available. I plan to offer to host at 9 AM EST if no one else is hosting, but 9 AM for me is 7 AM for ShawnFuzz and 6 AM for Suguri so I don't know if that time will fit in their schedules. If futileberry1214 has already posted that she's hosting when I check the thread at 9 AM tomorrow, then I'll just go to her island instead of offering to host on my own island.

If I'm hosting at 9 AM, then I'll have to stop hosting at 10 AM to leave for the family breakfast, and I'm hoping someone else will offer to host after that. Once I'm free after the family breakfast, I'll check if someone else is hosting. If not, then I'll offer to host on my own island again until around 1 PM EST. I probably won't be free again until after the Bug-Off ends at 6 PM EST, but the great thing about different time zones is that the players can move to islands in later time zones if they still want to play. ShawnFuzz's Bug-Off should end 2 hours after my Bug-Off, and Suguri's Bug-Off should end an hour after that. Though everyone might have already gotten all of the trophies by then.
That would be nice, but Google is telling me that MDT is 2 hours behind EST so I think 9 AM my time is 7 AM your time. If you can still make it, great! If not, that's fine.
You are right, I knew it was two hours difference but math is not my strong point! Hah and yeah 7am is way too early for me. I could comfortably make it around 12 EST time, which sounds similar to ZeldaCrossing's schedule.
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the great thing about different time zones is that the players can move to islands in later time zones if they still want to play. ShawnFuzz's Bug-Off should end 2 hours after my Bug-Off, and Suguri's Bug-Off should end an hour after that. Though everyone might have already gotten all of the trophies by then.
That's a great point! If anyone still wants to participate at that point, I will host!
If anyone wants to join our team bug off, those of us above started a private conversation. Reply here, and we will try to get you in on the fun!