[Bug] Snowballs disappearing and reappearing

I think it's to do with your airport gate. When it's open they disappear then reappear when it's closed. Happened to me today
I think it's to do with your airport gate. When it's open they disappear then reappear when it's closed. Happened to me today

Gate was closed the entire time. The video I attached is raw footage. There's no time lapse or jump cuts

Edit: i knew the snowballs were suppose to be there because I placed the bigger one there, but broke the smaller one. So I entered the shop to respawn it, and upon returning to that spot, I noticed they were missing, which is why my character looks confused at 0:10 . I thought my luck was just bad so while looking for the 2 new snowballs, I happened to stumble across the original ones in the same spot I expected them to be in the beginning.
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Oh maybe that happened to me yesterday. I broke one snowball, so I ran in a building and back out, and they were both gone. Looked all over the island to see if they respawned elsewhere, and they were nowhere to be seen. Reloaded the game and they were both reset back in the original spot. Seems if I had ran back to the original location before quitting that they probably would've been there again.
The same thing happened to me last night. One snowball was in front of Nook in the middle of the island. Rolled it and went looking for the 2nd snowball. Found it at the bottom of the island and hit the fence while rolling it to the shop. Went inside the shop to reset and the large snowball was gone. Checked the island and when I returned to the shop the large snowball and a small one was there.
Oh maybe that happened to me yesterday. I broke one snowball, so I ran in a building and back out, and they were both gone. Looked all over the island to see if they respawned elsewhere, and they were nowhere to be seen. Reloaded the game and they were both reset back in the original spot. Seems if I had ran back to the original location before quitting that they probably would've been there again.
I swear this exact same thing happened to me just the other day! I thought my eyes were going bad. I broke one snowball, ran into a building to respawn it, and the big one I had rolled up seemed to vanish. No new snowballs were anywhere on the island. I ran around looking, and when I came back to were I thought I had left the big snowball... It was back along with a new small snowball!
That's weird lol. I had to destroy a river to make room for both snowballs to appear once I came out of Bones's house. Luckily it was in an area I reserved especifically for this, so I hope it can hold four snowpeople plus the two extra snowballs. Otherwise I'll have to tear down even more.
Happens to me every time! Except they reappear right in front of my eyes. Let me tell you how mad I was when I rolled one clear to the other end of my island, got it to maximum size, and then went in the building to reset the other one I had broken to come out and see my big snowball gone. Three seconds of exasperation and it popped right back in!

I wonder if it's just a lag thing, even though my island isn't one of those highly decorated ones. (I do have a fair bit of custom path though ahaha)
I see this happen sometimes. Not with snowballs, but I have an area where I have a bunch of fruit trees on a 1-story cliff. It's small (only big enough for a tree to be planted) and makes a long path leading to the shop plaza I made. I can see the fruit shapes via their shadow on the ground, but if I go too far away the fruit shadow disappears, but the tree stays.

I think it's one of those things where the fruit doesn't exist until I get close enough for it to have to be registered/rendered. That's probably what happened to the snowball, except it forgot to register/render it back in when you got close enough. I see it happen to some flowers and furniture pieces to, but it will appear almost a split second later.
This just happened to me too. Eventually, two small snowballs showed up in the same spot, but my big snowball never came back.
I got a lot of those glitches even back in may when I TT'd to winter. there are other ones, like the snowballs dont join together, snowballs break out of nowhere. Sad that a lot of these have been there the whole year and still are not fixed
Oh wow, that's certainly odd. Agreeing with above users, I wonder why this wasn't discovered when the Southern Hemisphere was in Winter?
Lol it would be useful if one of the snowballs appeared already big, unfortunately I haven't encountered anything similar yet. I had to clear some trees to have space for them to appear, and now I have to be extra careful because the space I have to roll them is limited and they break really easily.
I got a lot of those glitches even back in may when I TT'd to winter. there are other ones, like the snowballs dont join together, snowballs break out of nowhere. Sad that a lot of these have been there the whole year and still are not fixed
You mean like you pushed it around and it just fell apart? Like without any barriers around?
I could see this being pretty annoying when looking for snowballs. "Where is the snowball?" "You weren't there earlier, what the heck?"
You mean like you pushed it around and it just fell apart? Like without any barriers around?
it's kinda of an exageration, trees and fences hitboxes are kinda wonky so the ball will break even if you are apparently far enough of them