Bugs that have Black or even White lids?

N a t

In the name of the Moon, Indeedaroo!
Feb 15, 2015
Sheep Plush
Blue Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Yellow Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Pink Hybrid Rose
Blue Hybrid Rose
Red Rose
Yellow Rose
White Rose
I have a tarantula as a pet in my main room currently but would rather have a butterfly or beetle since in real life spiders scare me a little haha. Can anyone tell me what other bugs live in cages with black lids like the tarantula? Do ANY bugs have white lids? Thanks!

For anyone else interested, here are the bugs we have determined to have black lids on their tanks.

Rosalia Batesi Beetle
Jewel Beetle
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The jewel beetle has black lid on its container. Don't know about the others, though.
you are very brave, I would never dare to have a spider

I have both a Tarantula and a Spider in my player's bedroom. 😂

Edit: Whelp, I just saw that the original post is from May last year and that this thread has been revived for no apparent reason, lol. I'll keep my post up anyway for any future players who are looking for the same.

Just so the necro wasn't a total waste of your time...I can verify Scorpions and Dung Beetles have black lids :)