Build-A-Bear Animal Crossing: New Horizons collection coming soon!

Okay I’m probably way too old for this stuff, but I love plushies and am so unreasonably excited even if the characters are just limited to NPCs lol have to wait and see how much they decide to charge for these- as I presume it could get pretty expensive given the hype. I hope it’s at least gonna be good design and good quality stuffed animals though, because the last I want is to overpay for a Isabelle/Tom Nook that has uneven face and/or crooked nose and looks like counterfeits
I love collecting plushies so this is very exciting (despite the fact I am probably too old for this lol), build-a-bear is so nostaglic. I won't be getting one myself but it will be cool to see what they end up looking like and which characters they pick.
i'm literally so excited for this! these are two of my favorite things and i'm so happy to see them finally come together. i personally think they'll only have plushies of the NPCs, but maybe they'll have a few of the most popular villagers too (crossing my fingers for stitches lol). if not i'd love to have a k.k. slider one since he's appeared in every game so far
I’m curious to see who they choose! I can’t imagine spending the money this will probably cost, but I’m sure they’ll be adorable. Too bad they probably wouldn’t produce any of the villagers that would actually tempt me!
Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!

I’m super curious to know what accessories we can use to dress up our furry friends with!

It will definitely be awesome! I’m so hyped that they’re working in collaboration together! <3
I'm excited to see who is available! I'd love a Wolfgang, but since he's not so popular, Raymond would be fun :D
I'm curious who they will pick and how much it'll cost. I've been looking at villager crochet patterns so I could just pay for the pattern and make my own but it's a lot of time for me. So I'll be making my decision based on that I think.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. Most likely it'll just be Nook, Isabelle, the Nooklings, KK Slider and that's it.

(Still, would be nice to get an official plush of the Villager from MK8 someday. Would it be from this? Doubt it.)
Explain to me why this has 7 likes? I just came back here and I'm wondering why. Was I correct?
Actually, thinking about it, it would be AMAZING if they made a single plush, at the least, to represent every species. It's pretty easy to replicate a plushie if you're good at sewing to make a base, with which you could make yourself some of your other favs if BaB never makes them. 👀
I really want Kiki, and I feel like she's actually a possibility?
I think if we were to get villagers, they'd likely be Rosie, Stitches, maybe Goldie, Raymond. Not sure about any others.
I think if we were to get villagers, they'd likely be Rosie, Stitches, maybe Goldie, Raymond. Not sure about any others.
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Bunnie, if they do villagers. She seems to be fairly heavily merchandised for some reason (although I've never seen her as particularly popular).
My dream build a bear villagers would be Bones, Stitches, and Ozzie. Though I already have a koala from build a bear so we really could just call him Ozzie lol

I'm sure it will just be Tom Nook and Isabelle and if there are villagers it will be the "popular" ones. Ugh so annoying, but I guess they can't make like 300 different ones.

I'll probably still buy one though!
I can't wait, I hope they have actual villagers not just NPC's. the only thing that sucks though is that Build-a-bears aren't open due to covid where I live.