hhh my last school Hated lgbt people . i guess i was kinda used to it then but now when i think back to it most days ppl said anti lgbt stuff and any time any of that kinda stuff was mentioned some ppl had to say how gross it is or w/e. it's really messed up how people think it's okay to say that they want all gay people to die. i seriously had people in my classes say that stuff like literally saying that gay people should die during lessons and no one would do anything about it. the teachers often brushed it off as their opinions, a joke, or they pretended they didn't hear because they weren't sure how to deal with it.
after the pulse shooting a ****head said out loud that he was glad it had happened because "they deserved it."
my sister is a lesbian and i'm trans, my sister didn't hide her sexuality at all but i hadnt told anyone about my gender identity tho i talked about trans issues and was very anti transphobia, so we were the targets of a bunch of stuff. most of it was indirect but both of us had rumours spread about us and w/e and people Loved to bring up how much they hated lgbt people whenever they could in class, ahahah.
i don't understand why the teachers didn't interfere. they could have stopped a lot of the things that happened but instead they ignored it, let it happen or started saying dumb **** themselves. yes, we have free speech but if i said that i thought the homophobes wore ugly shirts i'd get in trouble so why shouldnt the school protect lgbt kids from hate, bullying and threats or at least ****ing do something about the people yelling death threats in class?
aaaa **** i hate my old school so much im sorry ive written a Wall of text uh ..
sorry i got a bit carried away but basically i just wnated to say that that kind of bullying is gross (any kind of bullying is gross but . uh . ) and that it sucks that it is such a widespread thing that happens to a lot of lgbt people. i dont see why or how people think it is such an issue that people are gay and/or trans that they will put ppl thru hell because of it.