I finished Leafeon!
the struggles //
not sure if it turned out alright? lol
Dude, thats hella cute! >.<
Love these so much!
I finished Leafeon!
the struggles //
not sure if it turned out alright? lol
Dude, thats hella cute! >.<
Love these so much!
Could I request Sylveon? ; v; And if I can Milotic if that's not too much I'm okay with either ; o;
Oooh Milotic
That sounds interesting to do c:
I have one from my original party in AS <3
Ooh yes I do too one my fav pokemons <3 I remember it being such a pain to catch a Feebas the original sapphire omg. Only like 2 or 3 tiles in a whole river ; n;;;
Ty goddess <3what the heck these are so cute
are these pixels your prayer to the pokemon gods for a sinnoh remake?![]()
why are these so cute >.<
Heres another one for ya, how about my boi Mimikyu?
this is me rn
ITS SO CUTE BUN!!!! and the hibiscus flowers oh.my.god you know me so well :')))
can I use it in my sig? *_______________*
A wild pokeman appeared!
Its a smol alolan Raichu ♥
I also made a version with hibiscus flowers
of course ;^DD I'm glad it tUrNeD OUT aLRIGHT
When I'm doing the lineart all of them look weird lol
may i request a typhlosion pixel? ;A; it's my all-time favorite pokemon oml i would cry
I could never choose between chikorita and cyndaquil, I love them both so much ;w;
omggg same!!
i choose the fire starter like 90% of the time, lol, i just love fire types
but typhlosion ♡ my big angry flame badger child
it's okay xDfire starters are the best!
btw Bun finally was able to fit tiny Raichu in my sig (rip my flowers but the links fit) I'm using Brina's pixels again (I wanted to switch with yours but they wouldn't fit with the sig cause of the frame times on the gif ><)
it's okay xD
tiny raichu looks fabulous B)