Is it okay if I join?
Name: Melody
Age: 17
Personality: kind, has a good memory, great at drawing, can be very mean when she's mad, gets upset easily
Appearance: bright green eyes, long black hair, skinny, usually has a necklace, the charm is clear and heart shaped, with a four leaf clover in it
Job: waitress
Extra: her mom and dad work almost all day, and doesn't like a lot of modern stuff, especially music. Her dad works as a radio station manager and her mom as a hairdresser. She is left alone in her house a lot of the time, so finds ways to keep busy, like drawing nature. She climbs over the fence in her backyard to get to the forest on the other side.
RP Example: Um...-cough- ahem...
Add a little detail on the beak...and done! I was finished with my blue jay drawing. I closed my sketchbook and the blue jay flew away. "Come back!" I whispered. Oh well. I hopped over the fence and into my backyard, went into my house, and began making a peanut butter sandwich.