Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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Aha right it was either scrambled eggs or boiled egg. He still gives me boiled eggs randomly to eat.

Usertitle is reference to Bob Ross, and also double meaning for my happiness when I got my green letter (tree) *w*

They're totally not bad. Though eggs do give this nauseous feeling when eaten repeatedly.

Bob Ross.. huh. Well glad you got a tree c: I should plant one outside my home.

3k posts woot do i get a prize
thank you so much for this giveaway!

i'll be sure to try and enter multiple times, but I always have to do something and it takes me away from these lol.
have you guys seen the "epic rap battles of history episode" that was Bob Ross v. Pablo Picasso? hilarious (if you dont mind cussing)
@BlueCheeseMonkey your signature is amazing lmao
and very disturbing.
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