Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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You can get food by fighting in the coliseum or from gathering. I suggest fighting in the coliseum for food and keeping gathering to scavenging and digging since you can get nice drops.

Thanks lol
Umm this is a really noob question but how do I feed my dragons? X'D
I can summarize how I feel in one simple sentence.

"What do I build?"

no seriously, what do I build

not even the masteries make sense to me even though I know it's 18/12... why is it that ;v; also I know the feeling, everything is so expensive now, is it time to go to mobafire builds haHA
Thanks lol
Umm this is a really noob question but how do I feed my dragons? X'D

in the top right of your lair, there is a feed button :3

- - - Post Merge - - -

not even the masteries make sense to me even though I know it's 18/12... why is it that ;v; also I know the feeling, everything is so expensive now, is it time to go to mobafire builds haHA
(I read "haHA" in sky's voice xD)
The masteries actually make sense to me now, whereas before they were confusing. I condensed down to a few pages. I play every role, so I have the basics, AD jungler, ap jungler, ad toplaner, ap support, tank support, etc. But yah, I think for Jinx, people have been rushing zeal, then infinity edge. Healing off of crits is so nice ughuhguhg. So happy that LW upgrades now, though.
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in the top right of your lair, there is a feed button :3

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I read "haHA" in sky's voice xD)
The masteries actually make sense to me now, whereas before they were confusing. I condensed down to a few pages. I play every role, so I have the basics, AD jungler, ap jungler, ad toplaner, ap support, tank support, etc. But yah, I think for Jinx, people have been rushing zeal, then infinity edge. Healing off of crits is so nice ughuhguhg. So happy that LW upgrades now, though.

Yeah I saw but when I press on it it just says "no dragons have been fed" and I can't do anything?
thanks to y'all who answered me before :')

also, what's the big deal about fr? like why does everyone like it so much?
Dumb school internet doesn't let me register;-; Have to wait another 7 hours
Oh that means none of them are hungry :3
Oh okay lol xD
Also sorry if I'm being like really annoying but I can't go on the colesium? Like I can press on it and it gives me a warning like "some graphics are this and Thant, can cause seizures, etc. and it has a check box of don't show me this warning again and a continue button but it doesn't let me check the box or press continue, it just freezes on me
Got to go! And Lulu can you vm me your FR username? Thanks! )referral)
Oh okay lol xD
Also sorry if I'm being like really annoying but I can't go on the colesium? Like I can press on it and it gives me a warning like "some graphics are this and Thant, can cause seizures, etc. and it has a check box of don't show me this warning again and a continue button but it doesn't let me check the box or press continue, it just freezes on me

Hm, probably an error on your end it sounds like. I'd pm a mod about it, or try again later.
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