Freshly made sushi is the best, though. There's a local sushi place near my home that is absolutely divine. I need some of it when I go home for break haha
if I had 1 tbt for every time I lost my stylus in my bed I'd be rich
ANS OMG how did I forget? CURRY
and sushi... pho and sushi yummmmm
LuckySame ; n ;
And I had some today xD
i know, i'm a clumsy texter to begin with but then trying to use a marker cap or something makes it an adventure. people over for trades are always "thanks so much" and i'm all "gmnbirkfdo" and "....." and then they're "you can end now"
Same ; n ;
And I had some today xD
I tried to skip nooks dialogue when you I bought something so I button mashed.... but then accidentally asked him how to explain how to use what I'm buying