I have tutoring soon, gtg guys!
I have tutoring soon, gtg guys!
I have tutoring soon, gtg guys!
I tried to skip nooks dialogue when you I bought something so I button mashed.... but then accidentally asked him how to explain how to use what I'm buying
the worse is having to listen to a camper yammer on until they finally offer you a hefty sum for something
the worse is having to listen to a camper yammer on until they finally offer you a hefty sum for something
or when you mean to open your gates but you choose visit another town /vice versa
i just caught a giant frog in the house and tossed it into the neighbor's yard. so squirmy...
keep it!! new pet
Frogs are so cute, I love 'em
Frogs are so cute, I love 'em
haha- ive grown to find them kinda cute as well.
frogs are so cute, but turtles are cuter
only 100 more posts til I catch up to botari ;__;