Bwahaha, isn't that ironic?
Bwahaha, isn't that ironic?
I am quite excited to see who wins, but idk why. I know I won't win because I don't win anything xD
Same here! I am running rng's myself for fun xD
Oh yeah! I need to do that yesssssss
Doing that now. I will post who comes up xD
It's funny how a lot of people I've been landing on are quoting me LOL
Huh? o_o
i like the new backgrounds for the cakes, glad they changed it from the gray
What's happening
Well liek just enough for the cake
entry #18
For the random number generator xD
It lands on you a lot, so you have a high chance haha. You have a ton of posts.
im behind cuz of project...needa catch up