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Calling All Hunters!

What rank are you? HR7 o.o
What's your favorite weapon choice? Great Sword
Which Monster do you hunt the most and which is your favorite? Brachydios (usually with friends lol)
I really hope they localize that iOS game, I know I'll pick it up for sure!
I'm preparing to fight the Gobul for the Village Quests, I tried him out first and failed horribly. Even with my circle pad pro underwater combat is still unbearable. It sucks since the Gobul is really cool looking.

Trying using a Lance/Gunlace. They excel over pretty much any other weapon type underwater.

The circle pad definitely helps underwater, but the camera underwater is inherently bad to begin with since it now has to work in all possible directions instead of just left, right, up and down. Also, underwater monsters move quite fast often times, while player movement speed is drastically reduced underwater.

If you're interested, Light Bowgun is also incredibly effective on Gobul. Find one with Normal 3 shots and keep shooting those into his face. Normal 3 has the ability to hit once, then bounce off and potentially hit more times afterward. Underwater physics affect these shots, slowing them down which allows the ricochet to not only hit multiple times more often, but more of the multiple hits will hit, period. If you use Wroggi gunner armor + Normal 3 you can kill Gobul in about 7minutes. Wroggi gives Normal UP skill which increases the damage of your Normal shots.
Thanks for all the advice! In the end, I managed to best the Gobul with my trusty longsword. I also defeated the Great Baggi and Lagombi.
I decided to make armor out of the Lagombi because it's so darn cute, and repealed the Lagiacrus with little to no trouble due!
The hardest hunt of last night was the Gigginox. I never want to fight another ever again.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thanks for all the advice! In the end, I managed to best the Gobul with my trusty longsword. I also defeated the Great Baggi and Lagombi.
I decided to make armor out of the Lagombi because it's so darn cute, and repealed the Lagiacrus with little to no trouble!
The hardest hunt of last night was the Gigginox. I never want to fight another ever again.
Thanks for all the advice! In the end, I managed to best the Gobul with my trusty longsword. I also defeated the Great Baggi and Lagombi.
I decided to make armor out of the Lagombi because it's so darn cute, and repealed the Lagiacrus with little to no trouble due!
The hardest hunt of last night was the Gigginox. I never want to fight another ever again.

I recommend Wroggi armor for Gigginox as it gives complete immunity to poison. It won't help Gigginox's annoying pancake-flipping and roar-spam, but it at least helps get rid of one of the annoyances.

Gigginox was my nightmare when I first started also. Once I got the Wroggi armor the fight became much easier.
Wroggi armor is my saving grace, it helped against the Rathian really well.
Speaking of the Rathian, she's my next monster I want to turn into a new pair of snazzy new boots. (And the other armor pieces.)
Wroggi armor is my saving grace, it helped against the Rathian really well.
Speaking of the Rathian, she's my next monster I want to turn into a new pair of snazzy new boots. (And the other armor pieces.)

I had the azure rathalos armor T-T and the G-Rank Ceadeus armor, im so sad, i hate my sister hhahahahaahaha... T-T
Well, at least nothing in Monster Hunter is limited time only. You'll eventually get back all the gear you lost.
I wish for MH4U we could transfer our armor and weapons from MH3U over somehow. I really don't feel like hunting the Barroth that many times again.
I wish for MH4U we could transfer our armor and weapons from MH3U over somehow. I really don't feel like hunting the Barroth that many times again.

barroth isnt in 4 so it probably wont be in 4U

(tho they added the desert in 4U but i still doubt its return)
RIP Barroth, you're still one of my favorite monsters.
Holy crap why is the 4* Urgent Quest Lagiacrus so hard?
you can still get barroth weapons/armor thru material exchange tho

(also they had diablos armor/weapons thru material exchange in 4 and he is in 4U so there is still a possiblity barroth will return, but like I said, I doubt it)
I don't keep up with MH news ;-; But all I want is Tigrex in the next MH game; I liked him and Teo/Lunastra from MHF2 a lot.

Finally managed to solo the g rank brachy for the first time (previously needed to duo with a guy I don't really talk to anymore). I'm too lazy to attempt any of the other G rank guys though ;_;
I don't keep up with MH news ;-; But all I want is Tigrex in the next MH game; I liked him and Teo/Lunastra from MHF2 a lot.

Finally managed to solo the g rank brachy for the first time (previously needed to duo with a guy I don't really talk to anymore). I'm too lazy to attempt any of the other G rank guys though ;_;

Tigrex is gonna be in 4U along with two subspecies

Also they localized that bullfrog tetsu thing, I forget it's English name, but it's virtually the same as it's Japanese name
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I played MH3 on Wii and 3DS. And I've never got past the barroth on both of them. That thing just doesn't die, I run out of time.

No we don't, and tbh I don't think we need one. I personally don't check groups, so if a group were made I'd not read it, and yeah..

I'm fine with just the thread right now, but if people want a group, go ahead and make one, but it probably won't work.
Translation Notes from E3 for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
The “Feral Wyvern Virus” has been localized to Frenzy Virus!
- idk how I feel like this... Frenzy virus sounds weird. They could've kept it as it's Japanese name, or simplified it to "feral virus"... Really not liking frenzy virus...but hey, I didn't like mega swampert and he's grown on me a lot, so maybe this will too??

More Translation Notes from E3 for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
"Felyne Comrades" have been localized as Palicoes (a mixture of the word Pal and Calico, a type of cat). The reason behind this was due to character space limits for menus.
- again idk how I feel about this. The space limit is a valid reason but I liked the name felyne comrade... I think palicoes sounds cute tho so I'm happier with this than ****ing frenzy virus LOL

Source: http://kogath.tumblr.com

And here is some of the demo stream broadcast if anyone wants to watch it (I haven't so idek if it's any good): http://www.twitch.tv/capcomunity/b/537507955

Also here is some gameplay of tetsu thing

Plus MHFU iOS is set to release in summer, and will cost around $14.99 USD and has improved graphics and retina display
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