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Camp Corn: A five day gaming challenge

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Dec 28, 2008
Sautéed Mushrooms
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Greetings, kids, and welcome to Camp Corn: A marvelous five day summer camp for gamers! Our getaway is open to people of all ages! Here, we are all about friendly competition, as well as having fun. After signing up, and signing a waiver form (the games can get quite dangerous), you will be sorted into a cabin. Each day welcomes individual challenges, cabin challenges, and mealtime get togethers. At the official Camp Corn chat, during mealtimes, we will stream YouTube videos for you to watch and enjoy. More information will come as I set up more, but expect camp to run in late July or early August. Registrations will last until next Tuesday, so please let me know by then if you're interested in attending. I'm also looking for camp counselors to help lead the cabins, so let me know if you're willing to do that job. We also need Janitors. They don't take place in the games, but they're in charge of cleaning up the forums... They're like Moderators. Counselors get access to the leader forums, but they can't edit posts or warn members and whatnot.Remember: Prizes will be given and fun will be had. So come one and all, and sign up for Camp Corn: The Gamers Getaway.
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Entei Slider

Justin (maybe counselor)


Squirrels with Nunchucks

Official Camp chat - www.xat.com/CampCorn
Camp Corn website - http://s4.zetaboards.com/Camp_Corn/index/
Prizes - I'm not quite sure what the prizes will be, but I'm thinking of using Steam. Mainly I'll give TF2 prizes, perhaps a game for the overall winner! I'm not sure how often I'll give prizes (every challenge top three, final winners, etc.) but we'll see
Scoring - As briefly explained before, there will be four cabins. Each cabin competes against each other, but all campers are competing as well. If your cabin wins a challenge, they get 5 points... 3 points for second place, 2 points for third, and each entry gains one cabin point. As for individual campers, you get 3 points for first, 2 points for second, and 1 for third. The cabin with the most points wins, and the camper with the most points wins as well.
Events - The events will be a large mixture of console games, handheld games, flash games, Steam games, and artistic events (drawing, writing, etc.) I'm thinking there will be five events a day, which gives every player plenty of opportunity to find something they own.
There's been some confusion about what all the roles get to do, so let me quickly restate them.
Leaders- The leaders are me and Entei Slider. We make the events, do some judging, and pretty much tend to the website and stuff.
Counselors- The counselors do not get powers on the website. They get staff status, which allows them entry to the staff forum along with me, Adam, and the janitors. The counselors are in charge of their cabins, submitting entries, and all that goes along with that. I'm also thinking that there will be some staff challenges to give counselors a chance to get with the activities as well. Again, they do not get moderator powers. That's where janitors come into play.
Janitors- The janitors are in charge of cleanup on the forums. They get all the powers to ban, warn, etc. If we get four janitors, there might be one per cabin
Campers- The campers are regular members attending Camp Corn for nothing but fun. They have no duties but to follow the rules.
Again, if anyone else has questions or concerns, please let me know!
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The games list will come soon. I'm not sure what all the games will be, but expect a mixture of Steam games, console games, handheld games, and maybe some flash games. I'll try to make them games most people should have. Also, we are now looking for janitors as well. They get Moderator duty, but they don't get to participate. Let me know if you're interested :p
I'll be "Night janitor!" (which means i am british so in a day in the uk, americans sleep so i guard to camp.) but what do i have to to? Do i have to stay up for american time?
Janitors do not participate in any events. Their job is to check over the cabins and make sure everything's clean... In other words, they ban members, edit topics, etc. These people need to be extremely trustworthy because, not only do they get powers, but they can enter the other team's secret topics... So yeah, that's a janitor. That means, as I said before, Counselors don't get any moderation tools (except in the counselor's section of the forum), but they can enter that section to discuss with other leaders.
So if i am a janitor, do i have to install steam?
Count me in! but it is my first time being a mod so i will try my hardest. but, do i have to stay up all night uk time?
Ok, now, were is the link to camp corn? is it coming soon?
Ok, now, were is the link to camp corn? is it coming soon?

Yes. I need to do some more adjustments before I let people come. I'll open it to the public maybe next Tuesday, and the staff a few days before.
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I may hel you with the artistic stuff, but I still want to join in the gaming stuff.
I may hel you with the artistic stuff, but I still want to join in the gaming stuff.

I'll probably have a few artistic competitions along with gaming ones, so you're good both ways. I'll sign you up as a camper.
This is such an amazing creative idea Jami, Adding more fun onto TBT, If people are serious about this then it will turn out to be a huge success, I also like the idea of mealtime where you watch videos - nice :) . I would like to be a camper.