Can a Second Player Create a Snowboy? (Resolved)


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Mar 30, 2014
Tasty Cake
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
I created a Snowboy today, but my brother isn't finding any snowballs to be able to create his own. Is it just one person on the island that can do this? I think that's kind of lame if that's the case.

EDIT: It looks like the other family members are able to get a DIY from the freshly built Snowboy. I'm glad they did that. I'd be sad if we had to wait another day.
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Unfortunately, only one resident can build a snowman. You can have your brother build the other one tomorrow.
Unfortunately, only one resident can build a snowman. You can have your brother build the other one tomorrow.
Thanks. I'm was thinking about the time constraint between the 11th and 24th. I want both of us to be able to get the DIYs. But I guess this makes sense. My brother spoke to the Snowboy I built today and was able to get a DIY, so that's good.
Have your brother talk to the Snowboy today- he'll still get a DIY! Snowboys will give DIYs to EVERY character on on island on the day they're created. But only you'll get the Big Snowflakes.

EDIT: Oh! I see he already talked to it, lol. Well, just as confirmation, they'll keep doing that- giving DIYs to you both on the days they're built!
Thanks. I'm was thinking about the time constraint between the 11th and 24th. I want both of us to be able to get the DIYs. But I guess this makes sense. My brother spoke to the Snowboy I built today and was able to get a DIY, so that's good.
Only the person who built the snowboy can get the large snowflakes though. You can keep talking to the perfect snowmen you made and get one from each of them daily until they melt. Then just give the extra to your brother.

You only need 15 large snowflakes to craft at least one of each. And you can have a max of 4 snowmen (3 melting). So it's not as rare as it should be.