Can I bring Katie to your town?


Junior Member
Jun 16, 2013
0% (0) +
I have Katie in my town today and I've never taken Katie to another town before so I'm looking for someone who's gates are open ;)

Anyone out there who doesn't mind me visiting your town briefly? I'm online right now and ready to go.
Are you still on? I can open up. I was wondering if I could then visit your town for a bit. One of my villagers has given me a petition to get signed by 6 out-of-town animals. Crazy Agent S. I'm Jeputz 2423-2731-7902 (Bosco from Mogo)
You can bring her to my town. Is it okay if afterwards I come to your town to sell perfect fruit? If not, you can still come. Shall I add you?

Jeptutz- do you want to come to my town and get it signed? And then jemma can bring Katie to my town too ^_^ I'm trying to unlock the train station remodel.
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Sleepy, can I come to your town to get my petition signed? You're welcome to come sell fruit at my Re-Tail. Just let me know which order we should visit each other. I'm Jeputz 2423-2731-7902
Sounds good, I will add you now, and then you came come to my town first. Then I will come to yours.

And as for the creator of this thread, just post when you need to come drop Katie off. I'll check this thread in a bit. Okay, see you in my town in a few minutes jeputz.
I missed out on all these posts because I had visitors in my town! I've already taken Katie to a town but thanks for the offers. I'll add you both anyway and jeputz, I'm not playing again tonight but I'll let you come over tomorrow so you can get a signature