Can I post a thread about my gaming community?


Senior Member
May 22, 2015
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Just curious about if I am allowed to post a thread about the gaming community I am part of and if anyone would want to become part of it? I assume it wouldn't be as its classed as 'advertising'.

Please let me know.
I don't think you're allowed to post threads advertising your website or tumblr or anything like that, but I'm not 100% sure :<
I don't think it's allowed, pal. You can plop it down in your signature, though.
Like Jav said, you can advertise in your sig. If you need help laying it out feel free to pm me. I've seen people advertise articles and websites in their sigs before so it should be fine
That would count as advertising and would be against our rules, yes. Keep it to your signature please. :)