Can you recruit villagers #3-5 from other islands too, or just the mystery tours?


is it better to speak or to die?
Apr 10, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
Red Tulip
I just started over. The first island I had, I got Bob (my ultimate favorite) on my very first mystery tour visit and invited him there. I got a ton of NMT to try and get him on this island too for that initial Lazy house plot at the beginning and he's not showing and I'm running out haha!

So basically, what the title says. Is it possible that I could get him from someone else and go to their island and recruit him from there, even for the first three plots mission? Or am I restricted only to these tours?
I’m like 90% sure that you can’t invite them from someone else, and have to find them in a mystery island. Hopefully someone else knows. You could buy more nmt from a shop on here, and you can keep looking for as long as you want. The plot will only auto fill if you add all the furniture to it. Otherwise you are able to island hop for multiple days to find your first 3 villagers. It took me almost a week and over 400 tickets to find Cole.

Also if you haven’t already, it will be a little easier to find him if you invite a peppy and normal villager because then only lazy villagers will show up on the islands.