I'm terribly predictable but I'll have to say candy corn. I like getting some and having them in a candy dish as a sort of seasonal decoration during October, and I'll slowly pick through them throughout the month. Since Halloween is my favorite day of the year, candy corn benefits from its association with it.
As for candy canes, I've gotten them for decoration for the Christmas tree for basically my entire life, but in the past few years I never find myself actually wanting to eat them once the holiday is over. There are a lot of different flavors of candy canes, some of which I'd honestly have to say I prefer over candy corn's flavor, but I just never find myself wanting to eat them.
I can't stand candy corn lol
and I really only use candy canes to, like, flavor things such as coffee or hot chocolate, but I'd still choose them over candy corn
i actually like candy corn, but i think candy canes win this for me.... WITH SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES. i hate mint but i love candy canes that come in other flavors. the only downside is they tend to get really sharp when you suck on them and i have definitely hurt myself a few times eating a candy cane XD
Living in Australia, I’ve never tried candy corn as they sadly don’t sell them here... so I’d have to choose candy canes! But I don’t like how minty they are, so I prefer the rainbow or strawberry flavoured ones.
Don't make me pick like this
I have a hella sweet tooth so I love candy corn and they're easy to eat w/ my dentures in (ama ig), but candy canes can be like original, different flavours, those soft ones that break apart and dissolve in your mouth... And they're amazing in hot cocoa... uh, uh, um, uh, candy canes.
Solely for the soft ones, 'cause I'll go through a bag of those and not even notice it.
candy canes!! while i might be a bit biased since i adore christmas and the holiday season, i really appreciate that they’re not overwhelmingly minty and i’m always interested in seeing all the different designs and flavours that get released each year!
whereas i love my candy corn egg collectible but i’m definitely not a fan of actual candy corn; i tried it for the first time a few years ago and it just,, wasn’t very sexy ;>_<;
Candy canes because they just smell like Christmas to me plus candy corn isn't really a thing in my country. I have tried it however and I like it but candy canes are more for me
Traditional red/white candy canes are the way to go. I like the full size ones for stirring into hot cocoa, and the mini ones are a nice switch from the usual mint.
candy canes! I love mint flavored stuff and red is my favorite color so it's a clear win. Plus while i like candy corn quite a bit I'm not rally a fan of chewy candies since they get stuck in your teeth. Though I will say that the regular candy canes are too much of a commitment for me - I only buy the little ones that you can easily finish in one serving