My vote goes to candy corn. Candy canes are really inconvenient to eat imo. If I'm going to have peppermint, I'd much rather have peppermint candy rounds.
I don't think I've ever seen candy corn irl... Anyway, neither really, I'm not a big fan of pure sugar sweets, and candy canes are just too big of a portion at once. Like, don't they take forever to eat and soak your teeth in sugar? Ew. Candy canes look pretty though.
Neither they're both too sweet for my taste and I don't particularly like minty edibles, but if I had to pick one I guess candy cane because I like how it looks
I'm not a huge fan of candy these days. I think with age, sweets become less interesting. Maybe I'm just so used to bitter flavors from tea and coffee that sweet stuff has become hard to enjoy. Anyway, if I had to choose, I'd say go with candy canes. They can be used for decoration and used to sit in your coffee or hot cocoa. But they have to be regular peppermint. I don't care for those other flavors. The texture of candy corn is off putting. But the flavor itself isn't so bad.
I know many people aren't really a fan of candy corn but I love them! I'm just a sucker for anything sweet; too sweet isn't in my vocabulary and im probably going to end up with diabetes because of it. That being said, I still love candy canes too, you can't go wrong with either!