Congradulations, you spammed. YOU'RE THE ROOT ADMIN!!! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!! TIMEOUT, NOW!!!STORMTROOPER88888 said:I like candy.
So you can have enough of it before Halloween starts. -__-MasterDSX said:If candy is intended to be used for Halloween, why introduce it before Halloween?
I like 2 as well (it made me $10).Bastoise99 said:2 is my favorite number
Candy is a sugary snack that ywhen you eat it it makes you feel all jolly inside. Thats a full explanation.AOTS said:I like 2 as well (it made me $10).Bastoise99 said:2 is my favorite number
What is candy? If you are going to put it some where (like to every user) you should at least have a half decent explanation.