Can't believe how dead this site has become...


"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Oct 30, 2011
Sweet Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
So I remember back around the TBT Fair when there were a lot of active members online, and now this site has become a very barren place. Last I checked there were only 38 members online!! I don't think I've ever seen that number so low!
Tbh I myself have become sort of inactive too. I've been busy with physics and calc and piano stuff... though I do want to make an effort to get on here because I'm sure there are people here who would hate to see me just disappear (and I feel the same way about you guys).

But isn't it crazy? This site is becoming more and more dead each day. Methinks Nintendo needs to hurry up and do something about the new AC game we've all been (im)patiently waiting for! We need more active people here!
Don?t blame Nintendo for the lack of users, blame the staff and the users themselves (No offense to anyone). We, as a community should be working together to self promote the site. Even the higher ups should work or do something to put the forums back out there. Nintendo doesn't run this. Yes, a new animal crossing could bring more activity (as people are joining for pocket camp) but I think it's only enough to bring some of them in, not make them active or stay. I've always said that you need to do 2 things to successfully get people to your site. You need to attract them to your site (advertising, self promotion), and find a way to make them stay (Features, Some sort of hook). On the other side, advertising do cost money. This leads me to my point...

The forum is stale. We have the tbt fair, advent calendar, Halloween event. It feels like the same thing over and over again, imo. I might be wrong on the event thing, but it feels like it could improve. Do something every month, get people excited and hopeful about something. I know staff do a good job at work hard and are busy but there are tons of active users who will like to help and provide ideas at any chance. Let's spice up this relationship!

Finally, touch up the site. Don't do a full redesign but make it more modern. Ditch the gradient and use plain colors. Use an actual wood print pattern similar to acnl and make the navbar a lighter brown. The template and graphics are already fine. I'm not saying the website look sucks, I'm just saying it could be more animal crossing like. Css is an amazing language, ya know. I might make a stylish theme theme once I get a laptop.

This is my opinion anyways, some might disagree or agree.

P.S. Doing a self advertising contest like make a thread and reward them (They can like post who they invited) and the person they iinvited 5tbt. Y'all can compare IPs to spot duplicates, right? I remember some people who joined after being a guest for a very long time, maybe try to convince guest to join?

Also, Staff does an amazing job anyways. Can we just appreciate them?

Forget it, the forum is fine as it is and was before this message . People do join but the reason people are inactive is because people just don't have a reason to stay. They could be busy with life, ya know.
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I mean, it's just...I think a lot of members are just busy with stuff. Not to mention that there's not much reason to get on right now. There's no events going on or anything. The Shop has the same old stuff, and I personally have collected all the items and villagers I could never want in AC:NL. I chat with my closest friends on here once in awhile, but what other reason is there to come on?
Part of the reason there are so few members & guests on the last few days is that a fair amount of us are experiencing difficulties getting on here. For the past 2 weeks I've had Resetti screens, 505 & 503 errors. I've only been able t0 be on here for about 5 minutes before the site would crash for hours for me. Today seems a bit better as I've been able to stay on longer but the pages are loading slowly and some things I click don't seem to be working. The mods stated in a different thread that they're working on it. I'm sure they have been because things are better for me today.
It's just an off time, people are doing stuff, once there's a school break or something the numbers will be higher.
There are many reasons why TBT has been inactive. And the sluggishness of this site is one of them.
I think it depends on when you look, it has its ups and downs(even the number online members has changed since posting this thread that just hour difference and has gone up) Compared to the past, yes the activeness has goes down thats to different factors like no new games, people get busy and takes time keep always doing new event on the forums. For me this forum is still active because there new posts/threads everyday and can get relies within few hours(like this one thread).
And heck, i'm on TBT every day. And I hardly see anything interesting to talk about. It might just be me, though.
You also have to keep in mind that just because there were 38 people on when you checked, there could be a whole nother set of people online at another time. So there?s more than just that many people who come to this site, they just aren?t all ok at the same time :)
The hype of Animal Crossing has gone down a ton. When New Leaf was released, there was a ton of new members.

I have no doubt that when a new Animal Crossing is announced and released, there will be a ton of new users and the site will be active again.

Then there's the problems with the site recently. (Getting a lot of errors, slow loading pages, etc.)

Also, a lot of members are probably busy with school/work/life in general.
I don't think it counts people in invisible mode. and over half the people I see use it.
when i get into college which is in september, i dont think ill be as active on the site. its great fun when theres a discussion going on, but thats rare now.
at least the discord server is nice
The suggestion for an updated look to the site, new stuff to do, and new events sounds like a pretty good way to get more people to join. Maybe that would be a good idea to suggest to the staff? Idk I don't want to put too much on them but maybe it is time for something new :)

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And heck, i'm on TBT every day. And I hardly see anything interesting to talk about. It might just be me, though.

^^my point exactly

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I wonder why the site has been crashing so much lately? I haven't seen the issue but I have noticed it being pretty slow.
I'm a new member so I probably don't have the best view of this situation, but I thought this site seemed really active! There's a lot of faces you see again and again, the Advent Calendar was fun, and checking for collectibles are fun. I feel like there should be some kind of monthly event to get people more invested, though. But all sites tend to die eventually, forums especially. People lose interest, people have lives, it's gonna happen.

Also for the past week or so the site has been amazingly slow, like, I thought it was completely down :/
I've seen the number drop to 15...

But yeah, I feel this site is dying off (like it probably should have way before but, it still prevails)
there's like 15 active users and still no one knows who I am