Um some people have spelling issues.......
Carfax is as dead as nat's Banner sales
Ummmmmmmmmm???? I'm dyslexic check ur privelige????*sweetie. sounds like you're referring to sweat when you spell it that way <3
Ummmmmmmmmm???? I'm dyslexic check ur privelige????
ikr like why do people hate on our special disabled friends -______-
who the **** is carfax
the hottest piece of furry @$$ to ever grace this forum
then sweatieheart I dont think uve ever met me
oh my hello~
the hottest piece of furry @$$ to ever grace this forum
thank god they were banned
i dont have to worry about some vehicle copy machine sleeping around with my villagers
So uh why was he banned??
The mods hate furries apparently. ):