Carnival Dust Gathering Discussion

Dusting a little bit in here to so i can collect my 200 dusty pixies 🧚‍♀️ *dust dust*
Ok, dust donations aren’t allowed? Soooooo if any staff are watching. Can we have a reason to keep going if we can’t help people? I love this event, the community spirit and the messages. Sad It has just ended but the frag is amazing 🥰
I'm around 75% of the way there, rly need to commit for these next few days so I can claim all the rewards that are available.
i'm super close but for some reason i'm not getting dust for viewing profiles/threads, so i guess i'll have to comment in a few places asdfghjk.
Just hanging out making sure I get to 200. I have no way to check my donation history so we're just going to dust for a couple days and hope for the best!
I'm finally at the halfway point to the 200 dust goal! With just 2 more days until the festivities end, I have no idea if I can participate enough to get the rest! It's definitely gonna be a challenge & require more effort & time. Wish me luck everybody! 😌
I'm finally at the halfway point to the 200 dust goal! With just 2 more days until the festivities end, I have no idea if I can participate enough to get the rest! It's definitely gonna be a challenge & require more effort & time. Wish me luck everybody! 😌
It’s possible! Depending on how much time you have of course! Happy to be your cheerleader:)
I have no tickets left and my current pass expires tomorrow at 6 AM. I feel like I’m going to miss out on the prizes for the Magic Tent….
Me again... just a lil over 10 more dust to go!!! I'm getting very anxious... & these cool downs are killing me! 😑