Shop ✻ Catalog Island - ALL Furniture, Flooring, Rugs, & Wallpaper! ✻ {Lowered Prices}

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  1. TBT Bells
Hi! I'd like to catalog the entire island, please

Island Name - Starfall
IGN - Marisa
Catalog - [All items | Furniture | Flooring | Rugs | Wallpapers | Individual sets]
Payment - 350 TBT
Comments - My internet isn't very good, so I'd like to schedule in advance.
Hi. So awesome for you to do this.

Island name-Liberty
IGN- Annie
Catalog- Rugs
Payment- 40 tbt.

Island Name - Altair
IGN - Harper
Catalog - Simple Panel Set, Box Corner Sofa Set, Box Sofa Set
Payment - 30 tbt
Comments - I'll be avalible for the next few days, my internet is pretty reliable.
Hello, I'd like to place an order ^^

Island Name - Goomy
IGN - Munna June
Catalog - White Rattan Set
Payment - 10 TBT
Comments - Thank you very much! ^^
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