Shop ✻ Catalog Island - ALL Furniture, Flooring, Rugs, & Wallpaper! ✻ {Lowered Prices}

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  1. TBT Bells
Island Name - Moondrop
IGN - Amanda
Catalog - All furniture only
Payment - 250 TBT
Comments - I'm available now and for the next couple hours. Just curious, how long does this typically take?
Cascara Catalog Island

Cascara has EVERY orderable furniture item in ALL colors, every flooring, every wallpaper, and every rug!


Catalog Entire Island - 350 TBT
Catalog ALL Furniture Only - 250 TBT
Catalog ALL Flooring Only - 40 TBT
Catalog ALL Rugs Only - 40 TBT
Catalog ALL Wallpaper Only - 40 TBT
Pricing for Individual Sets - 10 TBT per set


- TBT must be sent before I give you the dodo code
- MUST have empty pockets before arriving
- Only pick up the items in one fence area at a time! Drop the items in their designated fence area before moving on to the next one
- One person per fence area - do not go into an area that already has someone picking up items
- If something is missing, please let me know
- PLEASE make sure your pockets are empty before you leave my island!
- When you are finished, leave through the airport
- Please let me know if you don’t have a good internet connection so we can plan a time for you to come alone


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Order Form

Island Name -
Catalog - [All items | Furniture | Flooring | Rugs | Wallpapers | Individual sets] If doing individual sets, name the ones you are wanting to catalog
Payment -
Comments -
Just one question: what does TBT mean?
Hey, there! I'd love to be able to come over and catalog some things, so thank you for doing this. <3

Island Name - Farhaven
IGN - Dani
Catalog - All items
Payment - 350 tbt
Island Name - Honey Bay
IGN - Lauren
Catalog - [All items | Furniture | Flooring | Rugs | Wallpapers | Individual sets] If doing individual sets, name the ones you are wanting to catalog
Payment - 250 TBT
Comments - None! I'm so excited!
Hello! So I recently restarted, and i have saved up just enough bells to be able to come catalog XD

Island Name - Peachy
IGN - Aimee
Catalog - All Furniture
Payment - 250tbt
Comments - I'm in New Zealand and usually i'm available in the afternoons/evenings at any time. :)
Island Name - Nara
IGN - Fye
Catalog - Furniture
Payment - 250 tbt
Comments - I can do any time in the afternoon-night (EST) most days

Island Name - Floaroma
IGN - Ally
Catalog - All Items
Payment - 350tbt
Comments - available in evenings BST
Order Form
Island Name -Mako
IGN -Kisha
Catalog -All Flooring |All Wallpapers |
Individual sets] All of the Nook Stop items:
Construction Sign
Cotton-Candy Stall
Drink Machine
Lifeguard Chair
Monster Statue
Parabolic Antenna
Park Clock
Phone Box
Playground Gym
Portable Toilet
Public Bench
Snack Machine
Solar Panel
Springy Ride-On
Teacup Ride
Tourist Telescope
Utility Pole
Wind Turbine
Payment -290
Comments - Hope 290 TBT is enough. I'm available in evenings/nights, Central Time.😊
Order Form
Island Name -Mako
IGN -Kisha
Catalog -All Flooring |All Wallpapers |
Individual sets] All of the Nook Stop items:
Construction Sign
Cotton-Candy Stall
Drink Machine
Lifeguard Chair
Monster Statue
Parabolic Antenna
Park Clock
Phone Box
Playground Gym
Portable Toilet
Public Bench
Snack Machine
Solar Panel
Springy Ride-On
Teacup Ride
Tourist Telescope
Utility Pole
Wind Turbine
Payment -290
Comments - Hope 290 TBT is enough. I'm available in evenings/nights, Central Time.😊
Hi! My island doesn’t have nook stop items because those aren’t things that you can buy from your catalog. If you’d still like to catalog all of the flooring and wallpapers for 80 tbt I’d be happy to let you do that! :)
How to get free tbt WORKING 2021 NO SCAM NO VERIFICATION.

Wait this isn’t google!
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