CHALLENGE 2K15: One Sketch a Day - OVER

ok day 19 finally
srry it took so long i ddnt know what to sketch
i had a rlly bad day today but eh the day's over
and your replies here make me happy!!!
also thanks to that anon who submitted tht confession (whom i heavily suspect it's either hyoman or javocado)

this is a lil girl wearing a gas mask.. girl represents me, vulnerable and afraid. gas mask represents death and control. take that as u will


haha i feel like this is starting to become my daily journal XDD
Ayyyy are u my mummy
Doctor Who episode? OUO; //shot

I really like your sketches! :D You do a really good job! <3 As some people said a bit back, I'm a bit worried if these are just sketches how superior your normal art is X'DDD *crai* it's probably too amazing for my eyes //orz

Ayyyy are u my mummy

Oh, good, so I wasn't the only one that thought this >u>;
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Doctor Who episode? OUO; //shot

I really like your sketches! :D You do a really good job! <3 As some people said a bit back, I'm a bit worried if these are just sketches how superior your normal art is X'DDD *crai* it's probably too amazing for my eyes //orz


Oh, good, so I wasn't the only one that thought this >u>;

lol OH
i dnt watch Doctor Who lol
thank u <3
idk i will probs post a real artwork in secret lelel

I love your style!

thank you!!! ~


day 20: what if mermaids do exist?

food for thought i guess. it's a serious question, i swear!!
day 22, i forgot to sketch today so uh.. >.<


i sketched this in like 20 mins oops
I'm not very fond of Winnie the Pooh but DAT BEAR
You inspire me to try my hand at a similar (but less hardcore pls i don't think i can even make it past the single digits) challenge after all these beautiful doodles tbh <3
I'm not very fond of Winnie the Pooh but DAT BEAR
You inspire me to try my hand at a similar (but less hardcore pls i don't think i can even make it past the single digits) challenge after all these beautiful doodles tbh <3

aww thank you deary <3
and go for it if you're up for the challenge!! try going for 10 days for a start~
i'll be cheering for you :)
Whooo this thread is really wonderful to go through : O You very much remind me of an incredibly talented college friend I had who was versatile in different styles, she would always do these incredible pieces that put me in awe, fantastic stuff here and that winnie the pooh looks so cute : ) Keep it up!
haha coincidence...i just drew a bear is just a lot less detailed and sightly than yours...and for the pooh bear LOL
Whooo this thread is really wonderful to go through : O You very much remind me of an incredibly talented college friend I had who was versatile in different styles, she would always do these incredible pieces that put me in awe, fantastic stuff here and that winnie the pooh looks so cute : ) Keep it up!

i do?? thank you ;AAA;
i went to a lot of conventions in the past so i took some ideas from here and there and try to combine all of them into one
sometimes a failure haha
thank you so much <3

haha coincidence...i just drew a bear is just a lot less detailed and sightly than yours...and for the pooh bear LOL

LOL i love your paintings!!!!
i do?? thank you ;AAA;
i went to a lot of conventions in the past so i took some ideas from here and there and try to combine all of them into one
sometimes a failure haha
thank you so much <3

LOL i love your paintings!!!!

Absolutely, we fell out of touch but seeing her pieces and sketches was always a treat : D
Sounds like you put a LOT of hard work into what I am seeing then! Just amazed when I see this level of talent, I hope you keep drawing it really is so much fun to see all these styles over the years people I meet in life and online ^^
And nah you don't strike me as a failure haha you should have seen me in college art classes so bad on my end even with real models to draw from xD
But you're absolutely welcome ;D