Changing Majors in College


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2019
Well after the first week of classes, I do not enjoy the major I'm going into. I'm going for an IT major but I just haven't found a love for it. I'm good at the course material but I do not enjoy it. I'm planning on switching into nursing. I'm just hoping my mom understands and that my wallet stays somewhat full.

Has anyone here switched majors? What was it like and do you regret or enjoy the decision?
Well if thats what you really want then go for it man as long as you really interested and love it then go.

I shifted before my first year starts, I passed entrance exam in fine arts. My family is skeptical about it since you don't usually see much graphic design hiring in our country so I decided to go for IT which is my second choice, I do hate and like it at the same time I mean yall been there first time coding.

But hey here I am an IT graduate May 2019 still unemployed uwu
I changed my major from Business to Math in 2016. I don’t regret switching to the Math major. I just regret not choosing it from the beginning.
Appreciate the advice. Best of luck in finding a job. It might take some time but I hope you find one you enjoy working at :)
I was a double major in Piano Performance and Astrophysics when I started my freshman year of college. Now I'm a junior, and I've since dropped Astrophysics and added a History minor.

My dad did not like my choice at all, since he wants me to get a stable job that makes good money. But I found that I wasn't able to fully enjoy the physics and math classes because I had so much else to focus on as well, especially music. He still makes remarks about me possibly going back to school later for some kind of engineering degree, but I likely won't do it, mostly because of finances.

I was in the same situation as you; I really enjoy mechanical physics, but I couldn't keep up with college calculus and effectively learn it, so I didn't enjoy it. Once I got to theoretical physics, it was too fast-paced, and I started to not enjoy that as well. So I just completely dropped the astrophysics major, for the sake of my health and sanity. I very much enjoy what I'm doing now, studying music and history. That is where my true passion lies, not in complicated mathematics.
I switched majors twice in fact, from English to history and then to business. I have found that, thanks to my parents, I have a natural affinity for business and can become pretty good at it with more practice and classes.

However, I couldn?t care less about which major I graduate with. It really doesn?t matter in the end which degree you get, as long as you get a degree (IMO, I know there?s people who don?t go to college and do just fine in life). Most likely I?m not even going to use my business degree too much because I?m more interested in the sports/sports journalism industry anyway.

In the end, a major/degree is just something that makes you more attractive to companies and places that are looking to hire. It?s entirely possible to not go to college and get a good career started. It just depends on what you?re interested in.
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Glad to hear most people have a plan and know what they want. Lots of people go into college clueless and come out clueless.
i'm actually going into my third year of nursing, hope you enjoy it ^^ i haven't changed majors but my friend did from nursing to arts. her parents were not happy about it at all especially because she's an international student and their fees are 3x mine. i personally think that if you want to do something else, go for it especially since you just started instead of a few years into your major.
My career changed a ton. I initially went for astrophysics! But i struggled a lot and I couldn’t keep my grades up. I passed, but my grades weren’t high enough to get into the higher classes.
At the time I had a language requirement and I ended up dropping out of that first college to enroll somewhere else, and become a teacher for the language I had been learning. I did it because it felt good to be good at something and I loved what I was doing everyday. I take the time on my own to learn astrophysics, and I still participate in research, but I don’t regret changing my career path at all! My advice: do what you love everyday, and change now before you get too far into the major classes! What you do with your life everyday should be up to you, not anybody else. And I’ve had friends that decided to keep going, only to graduate with a major they didn’t like and could do nothing with.
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I haven’t switched, but I’d really suggest switching. If it’s what you’re interested in, you’ll be happier taking it, and you’ll do okay in it. It’s better to switch now, then just switch later on when you’ve wasted more time.
There is no shame in switching majors. When I first entered college years ago, I was a computer science major because I wanted to work in game design. My first semester showed it was not for me. While I was decent at it, I did not have an ounce of passion in programming. By my sophomore year I decided to switch majors to History, and I do not regret it whatsoever. The department head and I hit it off, and for the rest of college I did something I truly loved. In fact, I graduated with my Master's in History earlier this month.

If you do not like your major, do not be afraid to pursue something that interests you.
nothing wrong with switching majors at all. i was undeclared my first two years, nearly declared a political science major but ended up with english literature. do what makes you happy :blush:
Thank you everyone for the advice. I'm glad everyone is finding a path they enjoy. Stopping in to talk about switching today :)
Originally before I started college I was all in for Biological Sciences as a major. After I started this Psychology class though I LOVED it a lot. I wanted to go to Biological Sciences to be able to help people with their illnesses but then I started realizing I can still do so as a Psychologist as well by counseling them and giving tips and advice. I?ve always wanted to be someone who is wise and can give good advice and tips for people and I also liked to explore people in my mind and wonder why they do this and that as well. As a result of what happened I changed my Major to Psychology and I feel much more comfortable and happy with it. If you feel more in sync with nursing and aren?t happy with IT then I suggest you do change since you could regret it when you have the degree on your hand.

Also, don?t feel distraught from going into Nursing if your family is against it and you yourself are in love with it and want to do it. After all, it?s YOUR choice that matters more here, not theirs.
I started out trying to do concept art and animation...I hated it. People talk about having passion for what you do but I had zero. It was 100% a chore and it made me completely miserable. I know in our culture there's a huge stigma about 'follow your dreams' and never ever give up' but when the idea of your dreams doesn't match up to the reality you're living in, there's no shame in changing your mind.

I started learning how to do graphic design this year and I'm happier than I've been in a long time. My only regret it being so stubborn and not switching career paths sooner
Just keep in mind what's usually favored career wise must adhere to human conditioning. I have a friend of mine who is still a grocery store manager because what they studied wasn't fully adequate enough supposedly.
Nope. I'm set on getting my computer science degree. It's something I'm good at and I don't see no reason to change it.
I started out in majoring in Anthropology, but graduated in Religious studies with minors in English and History. Then I went to grad school for Library Science. It all works out in the end, especially if you're doing something you love. I wouldn't worry too much about changing your major. You don't really know how well you'll like something until you start doing it anyway. I think it's crazy how they expect us to have our lives planned out in high school and at the start of college when you don't really start knowing yourself or what you'll like doing until you're older and more experienced in different fields.
Don't worry tons of people change majors after their first year! It is not unusual and I am sure your Mom will understand!
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