Tara looked at the blood on her outfit and tilted her head and smiled with a little giggle. "Oh no, that wasn't me. This is paint!" She said then sat down next to her.Miyuki turned. "Hey! Tara! I-" She cut herself off, suddenly seeing the blood. "It was you wasn't it...? Who killed those people in the alley." Miyuki thought back to the moment when she had turned down the corner of the street. "There was so much blood..."
Tara looked at the blood on her outfit and tilted her head and smiled with a little giggle. "Oh no, that wasn't me. This is paint!" She said then sat down next to her.
(just following you around Tia xD)
- - - Post Merge - - -
That is not paint...She better not kill me.
"R-Right." Miyuki gave a slightly nervous smile back at her. "So...um...why are you covered it paint, again...?"
(haha omfg xD
am i scaring you)
(just following you around Tia xD)
- - - Post Merge - - -
That is not paint...She better not kill me.
"R-Right." Miyuki gave a slightly nervous smile back at her. "So...um...why are you covered it paint, again...?"