alolan, so if you understand that all those things he does and says are bad and damaging to people, how can you still support him? i don't think what's going on in america has much to do "republican values". i don't think you have bad intentions, but if you or anyone doesn't like the direction they are taking, but still votes for the gop, they are actively enabling all these horrid things that are going on, that so many people are suffering from. if you want these things to stop, or send a signal that you want them to stop this route, you gotta take a stand and vote against them, since the current gop doesn't align with your values, so it's irresponsible to support them in their current state. it's ok to switch sides. you can always resupport them when they get themselves together and have the best interest of EVERYONE in mind not just their base (although I don't think they care about the wellbeing their base much since cutting healthcare protections, blocking gun reforms, destroying the environment carelessly, tax scamming, upsetting allies, attacking women, lgbt, poc, people with disabilities negatively affects their base too.) being a republican doesn't mean you have to blindly support them, when they go against your values. that's why many longtime republicans have left the party over the last few years.
Yes, I know how bad the Republicans did. Even their latest tax cut is like improperly preparing fugu (the Reagan tax cuts is like of you cook fugu correctly). But I choose not to vote Democrat for the following reasons:
- A bigger issue to me than how Trump acted in office is socialism. Not only I oppose the expansion to Obamacare (since it will limit how much money doctors make), but I don?t even support Obamacare. In fact, I?m closer to supporting repeal and privatization of Social Security and related programs than supporting ?Medicare-for-all?, single-payer, universal healthcare, whatever it is. I don?t want poor people to be sick forever or even poorer after operation, but healthcare is a service, and operators need money. But even just supporting that doesn?t make the Democrats bad. They also want to impose further regulations out of overprotection of environment (banning balloons, plastic straws, might kick people out of homes if an endangered animal invades by any chance). They want to raise taxes to fund stuff that are either immoral or will do no benefit. I?m not going to pay for someone to get a job if they?re not getting a job. I?m not going to pay for someone to get an abortion. In some states, they?re already on the road to impose regulations on fattening foods and sugary drinks to prevent obesity (when that should be left to the people to decide). It?s already part of their platform. I?m not going to vote for someone that wants to ban fast food or soft drinks (including drinks with artificial sweeteners). On top of it all, I don?t think it?s a good idea for the government to make your life decisions, whether or not they are light as Obamacare or as heavy as communism.
- I strongly support the Constitution. I?m not gonna get started on the Second Amendment over gun control or First Amendment on political correctness, but Obama had little or no respect to the Constitution. He did not acknowledge states rights when Obamacare was passed or the separation of powers when DACA and DAPA were imposed. He also tried to expand the government when I support a smaller government. The Democrats want a larger government.
- The radicals are taking over the Democratic Party. With issues like political correctness and speech codes becoming more popular for the Democrats, that?s pushed me away even further. As for racial issues, they are hating white people more. I don?t want the white nationalists to have their pride back, but I absolutely do not want the persecution of white people to continue.
No matter who you support, they will stand for something you are against. I believe in voting for who identifies with me the most, not based on single issues.
As for your response to Xerolin, I agree this was intended to be a political thread, but not much more about political issues in general. Just about civility, which we kinda de-railed when I talked about why people hated Trump.
stop calling democrats and "the left" radicals and extremists. it is not a thing.
I'd appreciate if you keep propaganda out of this forum.
oh gawd, white people do not experience the same level of discrimination as targeted minorities. there's no comparison, except white people wanting to stay on the top of the "but mememe" list.
"political correctness" it doesn't hurt anyone to be considerate of the people you share the country with and treat them respectfully.
"both parties have bad things".. both parties do not attack entire parts of the population.
as i said and tried to explain before, if you support politicians that do all these horrible things, despite disagreeing with it, you give them permission and enable them to practice these abusive actions. going back to the white people argument, you do not experience the consequences of the side effects of your decision, therefore the 'white people are the most oppressed' argument doesn't hold up.
"overprotection of the environment" I'm sorry but no. please inform yourself on the topic, before saying things like that. the planet doesn't belong to republicans. pollution and careless destruction of the environment affects the entire world.
alolan, so if you understand that all those things he does and says are bad and damaging to people, how can you still support him? i don't think what's going on in america has much to do "republican values". i don't think you have bad intentions, but if you or anyone doesn't like the direction they are taking, but still votes for the gop, they are actively enabling all these horrid things that are going on, that so many people are suffering from. if you want these things to stop, or send a signal that you want them to stop this route, you gotta take a stand and vote against them, since the current gop doesn't align with your values, so it's irresponsible to support them in their current state. it's ok to switch sides. you can always resupport them when they get themselves together and have the best interest of EVERYONE in mind not just their base (although I don't think they care about the wellbeing their base much since cutting healthcare protections, blocking gun reforms, destroying the environment carelessly, tax scamming, upsetting allies, attacking women, lgbt, poc, people with disabilities negatively affects their base too.) being a republican doesn't mean you have to blindly support them, when they go against your values. that's why many longtime republicans have left the party over the last few years.
to the other people calling opposition "extreme leftists", please consider that these people are part of the country too, with the same rights as you, even if you disagree with them. also consider that them being upset is more than justified considering their mental and physical well-being and livelihood is under constant attack by this administration. people are literally fighting for their lives. they are also fighting for your lives, even if you don't yet realize how the gop policies will affect you in the long run, since they affect everyone. so you can see why people find it upsetting, seeing gop supports enjoy the suffering of "the left" and democrats. try to understand why people are upset and hear their concerns, instead of hating them for "ruining your salad" literally, just cause you don't wanna be bothered with anything. their points are valid too, even if you don't wanna hear them. empathy is key. just because it doesn't affect you personally now, doesn't mean it won't in the future, or that it won't affect people you love.
also consider with the restaurant situation, that yes it's ok to ask politicians to leave, if their presence upsets other patrons and employees, if the policies they enforce is putting the lives of these employees at risk. you can't really ask a female waiter to serve a rapist, or ask an lgbt person to serve people that put anti-lgbt laws in place and make discrimination and erasure legal. as an employer you have to protect your employees, your patrons and yourself from traumatic experiences, which this counts as too. it's not necessarily what these politicians did in the restaurant, it's what they do in office that gets them this reaction, and as public servants they have to expect that and remember that their actions affect people in very real ways that they need be be aware of and take into account. if they weren't constantly attacking the rights of half of america noone would feel the need to step up and call them out and send that signal that it's enough. and if you think about how severely threatening the action of gop politicians have been asking them to leave a restaurant is pretty tame. also recall that all these restaurant owners have received countless death threats and hate mail by gop supporters following asking someone to leave. also the bombs directed at prominent democratic figures and news media today is a direct result of trimp constantly attacking and threatening them and asking his base for violence against them.
this should be a warning sign even to the most sinister gop supporter. do you really stand for that.
This. This so much. I used to be a Republican (mainly because my parents have almost always voted Republican, particularly in presidential elections), but once I started to care about politics more in the fall of 2015 as the campaign for the 2016 election was underway, I started to seriously consider voting Democrat because I just could not support Donald Trump. My parents are very conservative people and were heavily opposed to the administration of Barack Obama, which, at one point, I did share their viewpoint on (I began to have a more positive view of the Obama administration later on and view it as very good in retrospect), but the problem I have with the Republican Party today in 2018 (and previous election cycles were proving this more and more) is that it has moved so far to the right. Basically it could be argued that the Republicans reacted so strongly against Obama's presidency that they kept moving further and further rightward. This could definitely be seen in the Tea Party demonstrations that happened around 2009-2010 and how the Tea Party gained traction in both of the midterm elections during the Obama years; plus the fact that it helped Trump gain traction in his campaign for the presidency in the 2016 election, both in the Republican primary and in the general election against Hillary Clinton. While I did not particularly like Clinton, I just could not see why someone would vote for Trump-he was clearly very misogynistic in the way he treated many women, was very homophobic, and it's now been brought up that around 1973, his real estate business actively discriminated against African Americans in giving them housing.
My basic problem is this: while I am definitely glad Obama was our president, I can understand why someone would vote for John McCain or Mitt Romney, as they are/were mostly moderate and not terribly conservative. However, as I stated earlier, Trump's policies are not moderate in many ways and his supporters definitely aren't so. Despite the fact that I am a slightly left-leaning centrist now, I do not have a problem with people having conservative political opinions, as this is a free country, I was raised in a conservative family, and I used to have views that were more in line with the Republicans than the Democrats. However, now that I am of legal age to vote (I was born in 2000), I honestly don't see any good reason to vote Republican now. Relating to the topic at hand, however, while if it was my business, I would not chase a person out of my restaurant for their political views or whether or not they support the current president (for the same reasons why I believe service shouldn't be denied to LGBT people just because of someone's religious views, which I take even more to heart as I am bisexual myself), it should not be used as a weapon by Republicans and Trump supporters against Democrats. Shunishu brings up another good point-day by day, our president seems to be increasingly hateful of Democrats and liberals, which is conduct that is horrible in a president. Again, this is just my opinion, but I don't remember any other presidents in my lifetime constantly complaining about the opposition party-Obama didn't seem to be this critical of Republicans nor did George W. Bush seem this critical of Democrats. Theodore Roosevelt said himself that being critical of our elected officials strengthens our democracy, something Trump clearly can't see (although I think Roosevelt would probably vomit about what has happened now in the Trump era). In many ways, I'm afraid that much of the structure of our democracy is at risk, and my saying that shouldn't be taken lightly.
Believe it or not, they exist, even on this forum. I even had a bad time with some of them, which pushed me into writing a blog entry on civility or neutrality. There are some beliefs (like the support for mandatory trigger warnings and abolition of private property) and attitudes (like the hatred towards white men, Christians, and the rich) that would land you in that group if you have a couple of them or if you are passionate about them. Social justice warriors and Antifa are perfect examples of this. If you think violence against conservatives or Republicans is justified, then saying that ?radical or extremist left-wingers don?t exist? would be contradictory.
"political correctness" it doesn't hurt anyone to be considerate of the people you share the country with and treat them respectfully.
I?m not defending slurs, stereotypes, profiling, discrimination, or offensive jokes. If they weren?t allowed, there wouldn?t be a difference. It?s only the ordinary and innocent activities and language that I?m trying to defend. Just because not everybody does something doesn?t mean nobody should be allowed to do it or even discuss it. Aside to that, gender-specific words aren?t offensive. Bible verses aren?t offensive. Supporting the police isn?t offensive. Even having political beliefs not everybody agrees with isn?t offensive. If you think censorship of what I?m defending is common decency or necessary, that?s what I cannot follow.
"overprotection of the environment" I'm sorry but no. please inform yourself on the topic, before saying things like that. the planet doesn't belong to republicans. pollution and careless destruction of the environment affects the entire world.
I really didn't wanna write here considering how things go but honestly, I'm pretty tired of the current generation of reports thinking just because you are leftist in your views you are a sjw or violent person.
Just wanna say yes I support some leftist views, but they don't include being a sensitive sjw/tumblrina/Antifa protester etc. I'd say most people that act sjw etc. are funnily enough more right/conservative but that's me.
The reality is that no one hates white men or Christians or the rich as a rule. For two millennia, there has been an inequitable advantage to being a white male relative to any other combination, and the historically advantaged have always been the rich.
Do you understand the difference between equality and equity? Allow me to use a simple image.
On the left side of this image, we have equality. Everyone is given a box to stand on. We notice, in this situation, that the group did not start from the same place. Simply put, equality doesn't work unless everyone starts on equal ground.
Equity, on the other right side of this image, is the distribution of resources as needs require them. It doesn't give a person in a wheelchair a box to stand on. A shorter individual might need two boxes to see over the fence. I really like this image because it presents a complex issue very simply.
We are the ones losing. The Republican party is the last major political party in the world to deny the human effect on climate change. And even if climate change is not a thing (hint: it is), why wouldn't we want cleaner air and water, with a shift towards renewable energy and the jobs they create? Why would we not want a world where we do our best to provide equal footing to each and every person?
We are currently calling a group of asylum-seekers "terrorists," with the wife of a conservative Justice inciting fear. The Trump agenda has long been based on fracturing the country and igniting one side with fears of violence.
There is a real tinge of irony that domestic terrorism seems to be the one place where white men do most of the work and seem to get none of the credit. A church in South Carolina. A mosque in Minnesota. A grocery store in Kentucky. Another grocery in Arizona. A pizza shop in Washington DC. I've gotten lazy at this point and won't even link all of the god-damned school shootings that keep happening. And we can't agree that there are certain weapons or even accessories--which the founding fathers could have never even conceived--that shouldn't be owned by private citizens? One guy tried to put a bomb in his shoe and every single one of us has to take off our shoes at the airport. But almost two thousand shootings since Sandy Hook Elementary and not a single piece of legislation has been passed protecting our children.
As for the Bible, well, I don't buy that author's books. After all, the same book that says "don't kill people" says "don't eat shrimp," but people seem to really like shrimp so I guess a few of the rules can be ignored.
But I have a feeling that the same lawmakers who thump on the Bible don't realize the lessons contained within either.
On Immigration This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. Jeremiah 22:3
When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt Leviticus 19:33-34
On Minimum Wage and Social Services Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether that worker is a fellow Israelite or a foreigner residing in one of your towns. Deuteronomy 24:14
Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty. Proverbs 22:16
Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9
On the Pursuit of Power and Wealth And others are the ones sown among thorns. They are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19
Why are men getting a tough rap right now? It is because the world is finally acknowledging that we need equity and a select group of white men aren't willing to cede control. Have you ever noticed that the same people who call some women "sluts" or "whores" also call other women "prudes?" For those people, it is about controlling another person's sexual activity and whether that woman gives too much or not enough. We have politicians and pastors saying that if a woman does not want to get raped or killed, she should change the way she dresses. How is that fair?
We have multiple politicians in the highest levels of our government who oppose gay marriage, and who want to erase transgender people from existence. How is that different than politicians who opposed interracial marriage in 1968 or integrated schools in 1955? We have politicians who, at their very core, believe that they are right to deputize citizens to harass people for using the bathroom. We are looking at human beings at the highest levels of power who are standing on the wrong side of history. Do we need to look at the photograph of George Wallace in front of Foster Auditorium?
These are the social changes that are occurring in our world. And you're damned right people are fired up. And they should be. Every single member of this god-damned site that is over the age of 18 should be fired up, and every single one should vote.
gonna ignore everything else apples posted, but you do realize antifa is just shorthand for anti-fascist, right?
so anyone opposed to fascism and fascist ideology is automatically antifa. the methodology of how they channel that opposition is unimportant
and as such being anti-antifa is just straight up being pro-fascist, no two ways about it
you're allowed to disagree on various aspects of how opposition is carried out, but a blanket dismissal of everything is both insultingly lazy and just not a good look in general. no matter how much you try to decorate it
As for the Bible, well, I don't buy that author's books. After all, the same book that says "don't kill people" says "don't eat shrimp," but people seem to really like shrimp so I guess a few of the rules can be ignored.
the bible is just used as a tool to excuse actions and manipulate the populace. the parts that can be exploited are highlighted and the rest ignored
this is even easier to understand if you pay attention to and understand how people are recruited into christianity (spoiler: it always targets vulnerable people and beats messages of self-worthlessness unless they join into them)
Whatever I write is not what I want you to believe, but what I do believe and what I choose to believe. But it?s still true that there are radicals on both sides. At the same time, I never said that the Democratic Party as a whole is all of what I am describing of them. It?s only the vocal minority (which have the loudest mouths) that?s doing it.
Most of the information I receive and share are from a site called TownHall. I trust that more than any news outlet. National Review is also good. The mainstream media, it?s hard to believe now. I hope that my arguments aren?t considered ?trolling?. I try not to annoy or insult others when I make these arguments.
And yes, we can continue discussing how bad the politicians are since it?s related to the original subject of chasing people out of restaurants (since they are being chased out of restaurants).
Your choice of news sources literally published that Michelle Obama was a man, climate change does not exist, and that President Obama was born in Kenya.
‘The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.’
- Hannah Arendt, 1951
Right. Sure they may not be decent people as politicians or as columnists, but if they are being respectful to the employees and the customers, they should have the right to enjoy their private lives peacefully.
Right. Sure they may not be decent people as politicians or as columnists, but if they are being respectful to the employees and the customers, they should have the right to enjoy their private lives peacefully.
they are not "private" people, they are elected officials. if you are really so concerned about people enjoying their private lives, maybe also think about the people sitting in the restaurant, the employees and the owner they are also trying to enjoy their private lives and dine in peace.
i'm not completely sure why you keep going with this and saying you're not trolling (you are posting triggering bite-pieces on literally any semi-controversial topic, completely ignoring how such a stark presence affects other users. you're just more active now, cause there aren't as many active people, who can voice disagreement. even this whole topic is a months old warmed up topic that has been endlessly discussed and settled long ago, why now?), when you completely ignore what everyone is saying, repeating the same mantras over and over again. so i know my reply here is pointless, but i'm not gonna not say it, just because it's ignored or brushed over.
gop is cancelling town halls, ignoring phone calls, letters, mails, faxes, petitions of concerned citizens, making it too expensive to protest in front of the white house etc and discrediting protesters, even calling them mobs (which can be seen in your usertitle, which is btw incredibly inappropriate especially in an animal crossing forum, where people from all walks of life, countries and minorities are present, trying to chill out and feel safe.). how are people supposed to protest and say STOP THIS when everything they say is ignored, oppressed and not taken into account (which is what you are doing here too). if the only way to make them see the consequences of their actions is telling them in person, then that is what is gonna happen and they know very well that that will happen when they go to a public place. they could you know instead of being offended that people speak up, listen to them, instead of using the opportunity to hurt them further. by angry-tweeting about these things instead of understanding why and actually listening to people, they are attempting to silence the people they are abusing, playing the victim, blaming the people they abuse (who are.. you know, their constituents, who they work for.) to avoid any accountability for their policies whatsoever. they don't want to deal with people, cause they know what they are doing is wrong and they are used to people to just sit idly by and stay silent as all abusers condition their victims to. they are shook cause people aren't just taking it anymore. you are literally defending the abuser. idk if you see that, but i think you do .....
and if you don't understand why plastic straws are being removed and why it's of significance you are not informed on the topic.
Honestly, I?m feeling attacked right now. Yes, I am a Republican, and I subscribe to almost everything they stand for. And if you have a problem with that, you should read my blog entry on neutrality and political opinions, otherwise known as my ?civility? blog entry. I know it doesn?t favor either side, but it does favor civility.
Your choice of news sources literally published that Michelle Obama was a man, climate change does not exist, and that President Obama was born in Kenya.
I don?t see why it?s a problem to deny man-made climate change. I don?t think global warming is real, or at least man-made. Yeah, it doesn?t mean we can keep polluting the Earth, but it doesn?t make the eco-friendly alternatives any better. But what concerns me more is that those who do believe in global warming villify those that deny it. Plus, I hear it?s a doctored statistic made to incite fear in others.
To be fair, I agree that TownHall has right-wing bias. It even labels most of their articles as ?opinions?, but the points they make are valid in my opinion.
I have nothing more to talk about here. You are free to believe what you want to believe. I am free to believe what I want to believe. Now I?m only going to talk about the issue of being chased out of a restaurant.
You are probably right that this conversation is over. Despite being presented with palpable evidence, you have chosen to keep your head in the sand. You are correct that you are free to believe what you want to believe. By choosing to follow the Republican party message, you are complicit with a party that believes that wealth should be directly correlated with influence and power, that white men have the best idea of what parts of the female anatomy should be litigated, that minorities in America are a threat to everyone else and have not earned the right to vote, that political opponents are criminals of the state, that people seeking political asylum from countries rife with corruption and violence are enemies of America, that believe that those born with pre-existing medical conditions just got a bad roll of the dice, and that remain the only major political party in the world that denies the man-made impacts on the environment.
I'm sorry, mate. The policies that the Republican party stand for--what they hide behind rallying cries of "state's rights" and Christian values--are evil. Complicity in these beliefs should be challenged, and those that follow these policies should not be allowed to be comfortable in their complicity.
Honestly question why your party's leadership is almost exclusively rich, white men. Question whether or not having a diverse representation in government can actually improve the lives for the majority of people around you, because let me give you a clue here--if you are not in the richest subsection of our nation, the Republican party is not looking out for your best interests.
I recognize that all research goes to show that internet discourse is the worst way to change someone's political opinion; in fact, evidence suggests that you will read (or, as likely, not read) these responses and become even further entrenched in your beliefs. And for that, I am genuinely sorry. But you will be on my mind as I am voting, and I will take great solace in the fact that I can effectively cancel out your vote by exercising my right to participate in the political theater. And I can guarantee that I have knocked on more doors than you, and registered more voters than you.
So you think I’m just as big of a threat as Trump is. Some people already believe that, even when I don’t seek power. Also, when you say that the Republicans are truly evil, I choose not to believe that.
@LD true that. My intention wasn't heavily in religious belief points, more that they think they are so progressive/pc/not right when they are not. If anything a lot of people seem pretty traditional and just joins in whatever sounds good.
It just grind my gears when leftists and others having more opinions not with general right people are heavily portrayed as sjw's just because they want something good, but apparently people are too old-fashioned for it. I mean if they want to believe in being such PC and that is the only thing being left that's their issue but don't drag actual and legit opinions down with you. If you want "justice" you shouldn't act out randomly and behave bad on the webs.
And yeah to be on original topic, yeah if someone came in and loudly supported Trump or thought Hitler was a good leader then yeah they're back out.