Mafia CHATBOT MAFIA...Chapter 5: The Glitch... ENDGAME?

I'm still just struggling a bit to understand why, from a townie perspective, you'd push so hard for the item from now/this early in the day

Up until very recently:
you had no known power
and had relatively ambivalent reads
which all adds up to having low heat from the mafia

no it's a bit mixed, but I'm still just trying to make sense of things rn. Still need to do a retrospective read to see if I find anything
If the item offers protection, I need it.

I started with hinting yesterday which was apparently not obvious enough, did mention I needed to last through the night. More hints today, escalating hints....and now I'm looking pretty crazy.
Also - IF the item keeps me safe into f3, you really need to give it to me. Barring any sniping, I can promise I can deliver. Not based on the item. Based on my own role. I only need the item for protection.

Also missed this one. So basically claiming the same Dolby did yesterday. What if the item isn't protection? Wouldn't it be safer with Dolby who is claiming he can survive the night?
I'm sorry Betsy, I think it's a little bit inconsistent that you didn't want the item yesterday but feel confident about it today. It sounds like you're assuming it's a shield of some sort, but like, we don't know what it is. Bianca gave us a list of two letters. What if it isn't a shield? Can you confidently say that you can put it to the best use and mafia won't nk you? Is your main campaign that you think you could use it best, or you don't trust Dolby enough with it a second time?

In the off chance it is a shield, why do you think we should believe you are the best choice to be around for final 3? Yes you trust yourself to be 100% town, but why should the rest of us?

I'm going to ask the same question I asked Kiko, If not you, would you prefer Dolby or Kiko to have item today?
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GDI Dan already asked you that.
This is why I am phrasing my request the way I am...
Also missed this one. So basically claiming the same Dolby did yesterday. What if the item isn't protection? Wouldn't it be safer with Dolby who is claiming he can survive the night?

This is where it's hard to figure things out without discussing the actual item, and also why I'm using the specific phrasing I am.
also just want to make a quick throwback to the:
has Dan ever alluded to a power?
@FrostyAlmonds can I ask why you made this post and how you felt about Tessa's vote switch at that particular moment?

(thank you for pinging because I didn't see this yet)

I wanted Kiko's reaction because he spent a whole lot of time talking about votes and wanting to read the last minute votes for a maf tell. We got a last minute switch just like he wanted. And then refused to tell me how he felt when I asked him again at night. This is one of the reasons I'm maf reading him, one second let me find my quotes about it.
to clarify I guess
what made you feel so threatened by the mafia at the very start of d2 that you'd need an item?
I asked for protection yesterday, as I felt it important to survive. Tessa did this also. No one is ever safe from maf, so imo everyone is always at risk.

With this particular player pool, including the fact that there are only 5 now, it's more risky now.

So I started a campaign full of hints. It's only backfired and ended up putting me more at risk.

So now, I am saying, if the item has a chance at offering protection, I would like that protection.
(thank you for pinging because I didn't see this yet)

I wanted Kiko's reaction because he spent a whole lot of time talking about votes and wanting to read the last minute votes for a maf tell. We got a last minute switch just like he wanted. And then refused to tell me how he felt when I asked him again at night. This is one of the reasons I'm maf reading him, one second let me find my quotes about it.
ope I did forget to respond to that one!
ngl not much changed for me when that happened. I don't think Tessa's vote was a mafia vote control thing. Especially when you look at her forgetting to unvote, that was a genuine "townie's last minute mind change" thing going on with her getting flustered
I too didn't expect night to be opened, oops. I was ready for the break today. Are we allowed to actually discuss the game or are we just chatting here?

If I can ask this: @kikotoot I really want to know if you changed your mind about Tessa because of the last minute switch. You were very vocal about suspecting last minute switches as mafia tells and Tessa was your town read.

Me asking his opinion before Tessa flipped

is my main mafia read today, I felt really uneasy about him yesterday, the chaotic persona really had me questioning what side he was. But I feel more clear that he could be mafia. I don't really like that he said nothing about Tessa's last minute vote switch. Even if she did role town he didn't say anything about it at all when he was talking a lot about wanting to read last minute vote changes. I just feel like since the vote change worked in his favour he didn't want to press it, and that makes me suspicious. I'd really like to hear your thoughts about it Kiko.
just replied to it @FrostyAlmonds 👍 forgetting to earlier was certainly a bad look
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I asked for protection yesterday, as I felt it important to survive. Tessa did this also. No one is ever safe from maf, so imo everyone is always at risk.

With this particular player pool, including the fact that there are only 5 now, it's more risky now.

So I started a campaign full of hints. It's only backfired and ended up putting me more at risk.

So now, I am saying, if the item has a chance at offering protection, I would like that protection.
I'll try to read into things again. I don't have the ingrained knowledge that you vets have but will see if I can find dots and connect them

I wouldn't get too despondent yet though, still more than 24hrs to go!
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i’m surprised you think this tbh
Can you elaborate on why you never really mentioned any specific stance on either wanting or not wanting an item?
I genuinely feel like there's so little potentially incriminating takes you've given us outside of reads on people, which is the safest way to play mafia
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just replied to it @FrostyAlmonds 👍 forgetting to earlier was certainly a bad look
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I'll try to read into things again. I don't have the ingrained knowledge that you vets have but will see if I can find dots and connect them

I wouldn't get too despondent yet though, still more than 24hrs to go!

Lol. Yeah I'm gonna see how it goes and maybe start the campaign up again tomorrow.

To me, it's simple. If having the item offers protection from nk, please can I has it?

All I'm getting back is, no way, let dolby have it again or some other such thing. So, everything all in one person. Doesn't make sense.

I have a feeling after game discussion is gonna be hilarious.
Can you elaborate on why you never really mentioned any specific stance on either wanting or not wanting an item?
I genuinely feel like there's so little potentially incriminating takes you've given us outside of reads on people, which is the safest way to play mafia
mechanically I wouldn’t give much additional benefit from having it. it looks like you betsy or dolby are arguing you could do more with it. there’s a reason i didn’t feel a need to have even checked the thread N1

i really don’t know what you mean by saying i’ve been playing safe this whole game. i feel like i’ve been an active member
You've been active yeah and providing good reads
It just feels like there's been no attempts to help inform/coordinate townie efforts and potential abilities kinda thing
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like you're playing mafia, but I feel like you could be playing any game of mafia if that makes sense

but also you're way more experienced than me so idk
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you did give all those specifics on number of ppl in different roles and logistics tho
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that last one was kinda just me thinking to myself^
This is where it's hard to figure things out without discussing the actual item, and also why I'm using the specific phrasing I am.

Is this a read between the lines thing like Dolby was yesterday? Because I may get what you're getting at and your power works like mine? Though I don't particularly feel like I would benefit more from having the item with what mine does.

I didn't realize we were all talking about our powers now. But I can't use mine yet.
I think I made a story in my head that understands a possible position you could be coming from betsy
Is this a read between the lines thing like Dolby was yesterday? Because I may get what you're getting at and your power works like mine? Though I don't particularly feel like I would benefit more from having the item with what mine does.

I didn't realize we were all talking about our powers now. But I can't use mine yet.
I don't think everyone was/is.

I started out with vague hints. Then more hints. Now I give up. Mine is only useful if I survive the night. That's what I was aiming for.

(Tessa I'm sorry I'm messing up, lol!)