So here's some of my thoughts, where I was headspace wise during the game and why. Please don't laugh too hard.
Actually, it's cool. I'm laughing too...
Me too! This is why, despite all the reasons to not trust frosty, when kiko and I conf each other town, I figured we were down to just you and dolby. I might be avoiding closed role games for a while, at least until I get better at the game. I just didn't have enough smarts/experience to figure out the mech in this game, lol.
Ok. Wall incoming, sorry, lol...
In disc cht, dolby referrenced my posts being either alignment. Yeah, that's pretty much me. I know it isn't really being 'good town', but I can't help it. The benefits - if town, I better avoid maf nk. If maf - betsy always plays like that- so hard to tell.
On my role pm - when I got the sub pm thingy, I was busy irl. When I came back to game later, i saw the welcome Betsy post in thread and just introduced myself to game.
Then kiko asked about the power (item) vote thing, and I thought hmm, was there more info in the role pm on this? Went to pm, realized I had no role pm and thought well crap, if there's more info on it in town role pm, I'm gonna look sus if I'm lost on that. So pm'd bianca for it and just straight up said - no idea, haven't got role pm.
Soon as I posted it, i thought crap, what if I'm maf, that's sus as hell....

yes, feel free to laugh. And the more people asked about it, the more I felt like I should've just said "dunno" on the power vote and claimed town. But by then it was too late.
The disc cht - interesting!!! Dan knowing frosty was maf, he must have assumed dolby was either town- sided or neutral. So he couldn't very well give that away.
I made some huge mistakes d1 (my own fault). This gets complicated. At one point, Dan made a comment specifically about my being town, as maf role would have been sent. 4 minutes after dan posted that (exactly, i checked the times) I got a pm from bianca asking if I didn't mind not referring to the late role thing, as it shouldn't be a factor in whether I was cleared. I agree!
So my (dumb) assumption was that either a) she saw towndan using it to clear me or b) mafdan was pocketing...
At the time, I was assuming a 2 maf game. I saw the inferences between dan and dolby in game and thought ok, well they aren't a maf team probably.
Also on d1 - frosty was being given item votes, but wasn't saying much about it either way, whether it would be useful/not useful.
Between the political maf game and another mention by frosty of tp, I thought it was also tmi for frosty.
Put all that together with kiko role fishing (and the too friendly ice cream chatter, lol), and I was thinking it was a kiko/frosty maf team.
(And I stupidly carried that into d2 when dan/dolby 'cleared' each other, with some hedging.)
At the time on d1 tho - frosty had the item votes, but I didn't want it to go to frosty. Dan, tessa, and myself didn't want it. Raven was ia. That left dolby, who was (i thought) at worst a neutral tp. So I pushed to give it to dolby. I figured, if he was lying, at least we'd find out if the item was protective, lol.
Where things changed: d2 dan and dolby were so obviously not on town side. It was really, really difficult to let go of my frosty/kiko maf team theory and trust kiko. But there were so many spot on reads and posts by kiko and so many really off reads by dan/dolby that I went with trusting kiko. Glad I did! That was such a fun game moment!
Because (as I kept going over in game lol) I thought it was impossible to have 4 town, 2 maf, and 1 potentially anti town tp, I did clear frosty more in my mind. That was my fault, and a bad assumption on my part. Sorry kiko! I did push frosty to be tr, especially after seeing that dan and dolby had been working together against town. I really thought the math was there. Ha ha....I was wrong, lol.
But I will say - d2 was an absolute blast! With 2 maf (1 of them godfather), an unkillable hostile 3rd party, and a strong d2 wagon for me and kiko, I'm really proud we were still able to find town in each other and have our magic moment.

Good game all around.