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Cheating in animal crossing new horizons

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Well it might not be consider "cheating" but you didn't do it on your own, you rely on other people to make money for you.

I'm sorry but, what the hell? So by your logic, trading is cheating for you? That's the most ludicrous logic I've seen today. I know you put cheating in quotation marks but lmao, WHAT? Understandable that you want to play slow but branding others as cheats for playing with the market is just absurd to me? Your opinion is valid about the frustration of how the economy is but this ain't it.
Well it might not be consider "cheating" but you didn't do it on your own, you rely on other people to make money for you. With that said prop to you for not cheating. Though I can never understand how someone want to make so much money in a game that meant to play for years and is suppose to be relaxing? Seeing how my average income the first week was only 50K and now in my 2nd week it around 130K per day, that progress that is rewarding, if it shot up to hundred of millions, I would quit this game.

And that's great for you, but judging others for playing the game they want? Maybe they don't want to have to deal with money and literally just want to decorate. Maybe thats how they relax.

And what is so wrong about selling things to make money? I take offence to the fact that you're suggesting that "relying on others" is not legitimate.
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Whats your process for getting that many tickets, and is it sustainable (sustainable being defined as: doesn't depend on one offs like "go ahead be shellfish")?

I got lucky and my turnip prices were insane yesterday and I charged people to access my town :p Not very sustainable, but I'm sure there are other ways to make NMT.
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I'm sorry but, what the hell? So by your logic, trading is cheating for you? That's the most ludicrous logic I've seen today. I know you put cheating in quotation marks but lmao, WHAT? Understandable that you want to play slow but branding others as cheats for playing with the market is just absurd to me? Your opinion is valid about the frustration of how the economy is but this ain't it.

Omg, thank you for putting into words what I thought about that post. I was so shocked by the thought process, I couldnt even string together my thoughts.
How I see it:

1. It's just a game. Who cares if people hack, time travel, buy tickets online (eBay, Etsy, etc).

2. Villagers who are popular are going to sell for than an average villager. This is called supply and demand, as I stated in the Raymond thread. Price gouging isn't fair, yes, but no one says that you have to give them your money.

3. I don't think the mods need to crack down on anyone. How people play their game is their business, even if we may not agree with it. The Bell Tree has nothing to do with how people play Animal Crossing as a whole.

4. People who play the game how they choose doesn't make them cheaters just because it's not the traditional way of playing it.
5. Be patient. Getting villagers you want takes time. If you can't find reasonable prices online, just island hop for a while.

6. I don't if the wage gap and segregation are the right terms to use in the issues around pricing in an Animal Crossing game. I mean, come on- this game was originally for children anyway. Why are grown adults having hissy fits about over the fact they can't have the cat they want? This comment is directed at no one specific, just the issue's attitude as a whole.

7. To reiterate: it's just a game.

Why don't people think of the big picture? Buying NMT via real money on Ebay will lead the next AC game to have micro-transaction. Why don't you seem to understand that? Time travelers is the reason why everything is lock in New Horizon. Again why don't you understand this?

This isn't a single player game (like some here like to pretend), it has an online economy and now real world value when cheaters take it online. Do you want micro-transaction in the next AC game? Do you? Because that is what going to happen when Nintendo see how much people are willing to pay for NMT. Stop looking at the small picture. Think about the future of Animal Crossing. Nintendo already doing their best to combat time traveler by forcing online on people with patches just to get freaking holiday in the game!

So yes I care, because how they play affect me, affect Nintendo, and affect the future of Animal Crossing as a whole.

Also just because this game have cute animal, doesn't mean it for children. More adults play this game. You don't think adult like cute animals?

7. And AC is not just a game, its a life simulator as well that help many people who are dealing with mental illnesses like myself.

I feel sick right now!
Time travelers is the reason why everything is lock in New Horizon. Again why don't you understand this?
I don't understand where this thought comes from. Time travelling has always been something that you can do in Animal Crossing. This is not something that is new to New Horizons. If Nintendo genuinely 100% hated the fact that people time travelled, they would've done something about it. Also, to take this option away for people, do you realise how incredibly boring this game would be for people who just want to decorate and do things the way they want? You'd literally be limited on what you could do in one day. And I'm saying this as a huge animal crossing fan. Yes, I'm playing without TTing at the moment (mostly because I want to experience things slowly), but if I cant ever TT in the future (particularly after I've finished doing what I want to do), I can guarantee you that I'd drop this game within a couple of months.

I don't even think there is anything locked in New Horizons that isn't meant to be part of gameplay (and I mean unlocking things by doing other things).

7. And AC is not just a game, its a life simulator as well that help many people who are dealing with mental illnesses like myself.
At the end of the day, AC is a game. You cannot argue this fact. I'm glad that it is helping people cope, but to say that it is not a game is just false.
Why don't people think of the big picture? Buying NMT via real money on Ebay will lead the next AC game to have micro-transaction. Why don't you seem to understand that? Time travelers is the reason why everything is lock in New Horizon. Again why don't you understand this?

This isn't a single player game (like some here like to pretend), it has an online economy and now real world value when cheaters take it online. Do you want micro-transaction in the next AC game? Do you? Because that is what going to happen when Nintendo see how much people are willing to pay for NMT. Stop looking at the small picture. Think about the future of Animal Crossing. Nintendo already doing their best to combat time traveler by forcing online on people with patches just to get freaking holiday in the game!

So yes I care, because how they play affect me, affect Nintendo, and affect the future of Animal Crossing as a whole.

Also just because this game have cute animal, doesn't mean it for children. More adults play this game. You don't think adult like cute animals?

7. And AC is not just a game, its a life simulator as well that help many people who are dealing with mental illnesses like myself.

I feel sick right now!

What does TT'ing have anything to do with what you said? Nintendo literally does not care if you TT or not. If they REALLY wanted to "combat time travelers" they would put more punishments into the game rather than removing or lessening them
I'm sorry but, what the hell? So by your logic, trading is cheating for you? That's the most ludicrous logic I've seen today. I know you put cheating in quotation marks but lmao, WHAT? Understandable that you want to play slow but branding others as cheats for playing with the market is just absurd to me? Your opinion is valid about the frustration of how the economy is but this ain't it.

I'm not frustrated with the economy as I don't bother with it. But I do care about other people and how frustrated the non-cheater are having to deal with their dreamy and that take away my energy. I'm also against anyone buying NMT with real money because that will lead to micro-transaction by Nintendo in future games. Once I find my ebay account, I will start reporting ebay sellers that sell NMT.

I'm a very patience person, if it take me years to find my dreamy, so be it. Its the journey, not the destination. If someone give me dreamies or money or anything in AC, I wouldn't take it. Only thing I want is non-native fruits, flowers and various color of each NM DIY and items that I can't get on my own because Nintendo want to force everyone to get online membership so micro-transaction is not far out of the equation.

You just said my opinion is valid and then you said it isn't, so which is it?
What does TT'ing have anything to do with what you said? Nintendo literally does not care if you TT or not. If they REALLY wanted to "combat time travelers" they would put more punishments into the game rather than removing or lessening them

So is that why they are locking holidays out of the game via patches?
So is that why they are locking holidays out of the game via patches?

They're most likely doing that because they want to encourage you to take the game slowly, (Either that or they don't have everything planned out for holidays yet) but they're not requiring you to do that, because Nintendo understands that people play games differently, and as long as they're not hurting anyone, who in the world cares if people TT or not?
Like I said, if they really wanted to combat time travelers, they would've worsen or added more punishments aside from turnips dying
They're most likely doing that because they want to encourage you to take the game slowly, (Either that or they don't have everything planned out for holidays yet) but they're not requiring you to do that, because Nintendo understands that people play games differently, and as long as they're not hurting anyone, who in the world cares if people TT or not?
Like I said, if they really wanted to combat time travelers, they would've worsen or added more punishments aside from turnips dying
I am, by no means, a programmer, but I'm pretty sure if they really didn't want people to time travel, they could just force us all to connect through their servers or something instead of relying on the adjustable system clock. Or like, you set it in game once and you can never change it again or something.
They're referring to the fact that you said "Well it might not be consider "cheating" but you didn't do it on your own, you rely on other people to make money for you. "

But I also said "prop to you for not cheating". Did people just forgot to read that part of what I wrote?

It like people just want to take certain quote out to fit their agenda.
I am, by no means, a programmer, but I'm pretty sure if they really didn't want people to time travel, they could just force us all to connect through their servers or something instead of relying on the adjustable system clock. Or like, you set it in game once and you can never change it again or something.

There's a game called Pokefarm that does something like that, the game runs on real time but the time is the same for every person no matter what. So, yes, it is possible for every player in the game to be locked to a server time, but they would have to do it by region so it's not always night for people in Japan and day for people in the west when they get on to play or vice versa.
Setting the time once is never changing it again and also something that's done in games like Pokemon Silver/Gold, but with Daylight savings time and other events, I don't think that would work out really well, especially if the clock isn't link to the internet to change the clock for you.
But I also said "prop to you for not cheating". Did people just forgot to read that part of what I wrote?

It like people just want to take certain quote out to fit their agenda.
I literally took out that quote because it wasn't relevant to the conversation. If it's really that important, I'll start quoting long paragraphs even if I'm focusing on one sentence.

Anyway, the point is that, whether or not you meant it, that first part of the post is implying people who trade to get what they want, cheaters/not legitimate players.
7. And AC is not just a game, its a life simulator as well that help many people who are dealing with mental illnesses like myself.
Woah there man calm down, I’m also mentally ill and animal crossing has helped me out a lot but...it’s just a game
Nintendo hardly ever puts micro transactions in their big budget first party games (unless it’s dlc) and I doubt they are planning on doing it anytime now. Take a moment to breathe
I am, by no means, a programmer, but I'm pretty sure if they really didn't want people to time travel, they could just force us all to connect through their servers or something instead of relying on the adjustable system clock. Or like, you set it in game once and you can never change it again or something.

I feel people are taking things I say out of context or assume to understand my perspective. I'm against duper, and I'm fine with people who TT as long as they are not abusing it. Without TT, a lot of people who work a lot won't be able to fully enjoy this game. Or a lot of people would quit this game if they didn't TT their first several days because every AC game start slow. Its when people abuse it, show off their town, spoil it for everyone else and forcing Nintendo to remove contents from the game in fear of leak is when I have a problem.
There's a game called Pokefarm that does something like that, the game runs on real time but the time is the same for every person no matter what. So, yes, it is possible for every player in the game to be locked to a server time, but they would have to do it by region so it's not always night for people in Japan and day for people in the west when they get on to play or vice versa.
Setting the time once is never changing it again and also something that's done in games like Pokemon Silver/Gold, but with Daylight savings time and other events, I don't think that would work out really well, especially if the clock isn't link to the internet to change the clock for you.
Never played those games, but it proves my point. Nintendo knows how to stop people from Time Travelling. If they really wanted to stop us from playing the game that way, they wouldn't do it through patches.
Well it might not be consider "cheating" but you didn't do it on your own, you rely on other people to make money for you. With that said prop to you for not cheating. Though I can never understand how someone want to make so much money in a game that meant to play for years and is suppose to be relaxing? Seeing how my average income the first week was only 50K and now in my 2nd week it around 130K per day, that progress that is rewarding, if it shot up to hundred of millions, I would quit this game.

It's more complicated than that. He may not have cheated, but if cheaters have massively inflated the market, he was earning waaaaay more than he normally should have for the efforts he made. So it distorts the entire market =\ (Not saying he did anything wrong)
Woah there man calm down, I’m also mentally ill and animal crossing has helped me out a lot but...it’s just a game
Nintendo hardly ever puts micro transactions in their big budget first party games (unless it’s dlc) and I doubt they are planning on doing it anytime now. Take a moment to breathe

Nintendo have shown they don't care about their fans or what their fans want. Look at Pokemon Sword and Shield, look at the force cashgrab of New Horizon. Want another island? Time to fork down 200 to 300 (not including tax) for another console! Want to get all the flowers, fruits, and color varation of each NM items? Well you must buy a paid online membership!

So what makes you think they won't later down the line enforce micro-transaction? They already starting down that dark path with their New Horizon cash grab. None of these things existed in New Leaf. You could get all fruits in NL and only reason you couldn't have multiple profile on the Switch was due to the limitation of the console.
I feel people are taking things I say out of context or assume to understand my perspective. I'm against duper, and I'm fine with people who TT as long as they are not abusing it. Without TT, a lot of people who work a lot won't be able to fully enjoy this game. Or a lot of people would quit this game if they didn't TT their first several days because every AC game start slow. Its when people abuse it, show off their town, spoil it for everyone else and forcing Nintendo to remove contents from the game in fear of leak is when I have a problem.

Well what you're saying in your posts heavily implies you are anti-TT, we only know what you give us.
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