Cycling ***Check thread for who's in Boxes***

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Hahaha! I'm going to start sending you messages at 6:30am my time when I'm up getting ready.....believe me I'm indecisive also. Every time the hubby ask me what I want when I go out I make him pick cuz I never make up my mind! And tomorrow I will drink enough coffee for the both of us as my birthday present! Hahaha
Hahaha! I'm going to start sending you messages at 6:30am my time when I'm up getting ready.....believe me I'm indecisive also. Every time the hubby ask me what I want when I go out I make him pick cuz I never make up my mind! And tomorrow I will drink enough coffee for the both of us as my birthday present! Hahaha

I remembered that your bday is tomorrow!!

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Hahaha! I'm going to start sending you messages at 6:30am my time when I'm up getting ready.....believe me I'm indecisive also. Every time the hubby ask me what I want when I go out I make him pick cuz I never make up my mind! And tomorrow I will drink enough coffee for the both of us as my birthday present! Hahaha




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I remembered that your bday is tomorrow!!

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what are you doing to celebrate any plans??
Thank you sooooo much!!!! This would be the time to have emojis like on my iPhone! I would have made a thank you message from
Woah hello I just happened to pop on in here and see it's someones birthday?

Yup! My hubby is going to throw me huge dinner party.... :D my parties/get togethers always contains baking/cooking, eating and tattoos. We know how to party ;)
Happy birthday Lady!!! Dang!!! I wanna come! I've had my tat drawn up forever!!! Hoping to get it for my bday in march : )
Happy birthday Lady!!! Dang!!! I wanna come! I've had my tat drawn up forever!!! Hoping to get it for my bday in march : )

Thank you so much!!! Tattoos are amazing!!! I have a lot ;) I have a thigh piece that still needs about 8-10 hours more of work that needs to be done. I'm not even close to being finished with tattoos...still gotta do my full right sleeve, add more to my left sleeve and neck...that's not even close to finishing my list!
Happy Birthday Lady! You share the birthday with a close friend of mine, Hope you have a good day uwu!!
I'm looking for Anhka! She is a dreamie and I'm not looking to make bells off her. (I know you mentioned that on your post) I don't like selling villagers I prefer trading for other villagers but Anhka the last one I'm looking for and wanting to keep.
I'm looking for Anhka! She is a dreamie and I'm not looking to make bells off her. (I know you mentioned that on your post) I don't like selling villagers I prefer trading for other villagers but Anhka the last one I'm looking for and wanting to keep.

I will keep a look out! I haven't had her in my campsite yet but will keep checking for her.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I've had bad luck on her. She showed up on my campsite when I was full. I wasn't interested in her at all till i saw her for myself and fell in love with her. She is adorable! I'm still new to this site. Getting the hang of it. Is there any villagers you are looking for?
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I've had bad luck on her. She showed up on my campsite when I was full. I wasn't interested in her at all till i saw her for myself and fell in love with her. She is adorable! I'm still new to this site. Getting the hang of it. Is there any villagers you are looking for?

You are welcome! I have the few villagers I always wanted but not sure on who else to add. Lol I'm indecisive!
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