Cycling ***Check thread for who's in Boxes***

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If the prior poster cannot take him, pm me and I'll be glad to take him from you.
He can be a good replacement for Stinky who I don't care for too much.
-Ava has been adopted-

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Oh! Yay! Well, my FC for the game I'm adopting her with is different than my normal one -- here, it's 3411 1801 9589. :) I'll add you back.
I hope Zell moves soon :) My little sister lost her Marshal and Zell is the only other smug villager she likes ^^ I hope he can heal her little broken heart </3
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I hope Zell moves soon :) My little sister lost her Marshal and Zell is the only other smug villager she likes ^^ I hope he can heal her little broken heart </3

If Zell moves I will give him to your sister. I have been trying to get him to move since yesterday....
I've been trying to get marcel to move for like a week ono
I've been trying to get marcel to move for like a week ono

Take your time...I'm going to be cycling in my main town soon so I can get Genji back in. Lucky asked me to move 6 times already...Lol! Told him NO! Hahaha
If Zell moves I will give him to your sister. I have been trying to get him to move since yesterday....

Oh, really? :O That's terribly nice of you! <3

Thank you!! :)

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I just hope Zell doesn't decide to move when I'm asleep :/
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Oh, really? :O That's terribly nice of you! <3

Thank you!! :)

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I just hope Zell doesn't decide to move when I'm asleep :/

Just in case Zell pings to move I can just hold him until you are ready...

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Anyone want to adopt Dora?!

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