Cherrypie's Art Gallery :)

I just realised that since I am editing my post to add more drawings, that it is not coming up as a new post. So obviously anyone who has been keeping an eye on my pics lately, would not visit this thread since they think that nothing new has been posted. I just posted this comment so you can see my recent sketches above that I am really happy about. :) So please go on the last comment on the previous page, please!

Lots of love Cherrypie
Your pictures are totally improving since you started this thrad I can tell. :)
Hi guys! I'll just upload a recent Reika drawing:


I'll also upload an updated Miki drawing:


I used the smudge tool on Photoshop since I thought the old version looked too sketchy! :) Do you think the updated one is better?

Anyway, my dad (a Richmond AFL fanatic) wanted me to do an avatar for his Richmond (an Australian football team) forum account. I thought I would upload it here since my dad is so fussy and made sure that the muscles, eye brows, skin colour, chin dimple, hair colour was perfect, so it was so hard to please him. ;__; Anyway, after dad saying: 'erase here. Make the muscles rounder. Make the face more evil. etc', I am proud to show you this:


For dad's actual avatar pic, we ended up having to cut out most of the bottom muscles. You don't know how frustrated I was to do that, since it took about half an hour to perfect the muscles. oSo

I hope you like!
Seriously Lovemcqueen? I am? Man I'm so flattered by your compliment. :D Brilliant drawing Cherrypie!

Thanks guys! I have my drama play today so I might not do many drawings. But in the meantime, can someone give me an idea on what to draw? :)
Try drawing pikachu on your character's head.
Try drawing pikachu on your character's head.

haha ha! :) But I'm not really a Pokemon fan, so probably no. ;p Anyway, I just thought you might want to see my DevianART website:

I just wanted to ask, should I upload my Richmond drawing to a site as big as DevianART, since I used the AFL logo, Jeep and KooGa logo for the jersey? Is using their logo for art against the law? :S I'm pretty sure it is since it is copy righted... I felt sketchy while uploading it here, afraid that I am doing something wrong...
Wow! You're getting a lot better!
Nice work on your drawings!

Haha Thanks! :)

Edit: Hi again. I am wondering, I want to create a story thread where I post my stories, such as The Cursed Forrest. I'm just wondering, should I create a new thread or just post it here?
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Haha Thanks! :)

Edit: Hi again. I am wondering, I want to create a story thread where I post my stories, such as The Cursed Forrest. I'm just wondering, should I create a new thread or just post it here?
Make a new thread so the story will be special. Or you can join the Bell Tree Writers Guild where the story will be even more special since it's in a art/story/poem/song group.
Btw, I just returned from the pool. :D