Christmas DIY stuff impossible!

I haven't done grinding for balloon DIYs ever since the sakura event. It was fun then, but it's just tedious now. I suspect a future update will probably fix this if the complaints are audible enough to make it Nintendo JP.

Personally I believe Animal Crossing is a game that should be winnable with only 30 minutes of input a day, and the DIY balloon grinding is antithetical to that concept. This has been a key characteristic of the series since its inception, so I'm hoping this mechanic is repaired to, for example, vastly increase your odds in the first few balloons of the day. The only exception to 30 minutes of required time should be specific time-locked events, like Toy Day, Halloween, etc.
I've had no issues with the festive/christmas ones, less luck with the winter ones (falling snow wall as an example).

Would be nice if they made it balloon exclusive, at least increase the balloon spawn rate to give us half a chance, especially when some have such a limited time to get. I never finished the maple diys
I tried for 2 days to get the Christmas DIYs from balloons and got nothing so I just ended up buying them online here
How do you buy them on here ?
Had some help which is nice of players but still need to find lots more :-(
This is the first time in three Animal Crossing games that I’ve paid someone on the internet for something I could have unlocked myself. I love Christmas lights, and I was frustrated and disappointed all fall that I couldn’t use those gorgeous mush and maple sets because I only ever got other things from balloon drops. I’d much rather achieve things through normal gameplay, even over a long period of time, than buy it online. But having to build a metal wall along the edge of town and then spend ten hours loitering in one place on the beach listening for balloon sounds isn’t “normal gameplay” by any stretch of the imagination. I decided to just let myself enjoy items at the appropriate time for once.
I've been trying for months to get all of the autumn DIYs. I started trying to collect them when they were beginning to appear and then I took a hiatus and now I'm playing through November and December. I finally gave up, it feels impossible. none of the balloons have what I need in them, and it is painstakingly annoying to try and hunt for balloons for hours and hours anyway. I hate this so much. I don't know why they had to make it so impossible to do, especially with decoration pieces that people would typically really like to have for the holidays as soon as the season turns :(. I hope they do it different next year. I bought all the ones I needed from here and Nookazon.
I got almost none of the proper holiday stuff. I got a menorah from the shop...which means nothing to me, since I'm not Jewish. I got a festive wreath and holiday stockings. Later I got the sleigh, toy day stocking, and gift pile from Jingle. And...I think that was it. I literally never saw any holiday balloons. And it wasn't for a lack of trying. All I wanted was a nice Christmas tree, and some of those light-up displays, like the reindeer or the Christmas boxes. Anything that I was actually excited to use on my island...I never saw the slightest glimpse of.
ahh yeah balloon farming is so tedious!! i usually just leave my switch on in the bg as i do other things and just listen for the noise
Actually, I just looked at the full list of festive items...and I'm even more depressed now. I literally got two of them (the ornament wreath that you get just for existing, lol)...and the ornament mobile. I completely missed the festive and illuminated sets, which are what I wanted. I only got the two lame ornament items. The balloon DIYs are broken, tbh. There's no reason for this.
I agree. This mechanic of the game actually caused me to stop playing for a bit because I was so discouraged. By the time I got any of the fall DIYs fall was over and I knew the same thing would happen with winter. The balloon timer never matches up with the balloons on my island so I can’t even farm balloons. With the egg day stuff I thought I remembered getting DIYs from villagers, but that hasn’t been the case for any winter recipes
I've been not farming and just popping balloons as I go about my business. I was surprised when I "accounted" that I've collected most of the festive DIY's. Still, I think putting them into balloons over a short time is just cruel... there has to be a better way!

(Been actively not farming because I am still burnt out from farming the sakura DIY. Remember that? Man, how stressful)
i also hate this system because it lets scalpers, who have all day to farm balloons and have good rng, go nuts with the prices of diys, especially on nookazon. im glad i found belltreeforums because otherwise i was getting denied left and right for holiday diys that i was offering millions of bells and wishlist items for. why people think that high of a price is fair is beyond me
How do you buy them on here ?
Had some help which is nice of players but still need to find lots more :-(
go to the nooks cranny page. sometimes people are selling them or you can make a post yourself looking for them You can offer tbt(belltree money) or igb,nmt or trade items or diys u have.
The way the DIY’s need to be farmed from balloons has spoiled the fun of the game for some people and I can’t say as I blame them. For people who aren’t hard core players it’s really impossible to get all of the recipes in time to enjoy them for the season they are meant to be used in. I wish Nintendo would change the spawn rate for DIYs at least and get rid of stupid things like clay and iron ore at least until the player has gotten all of the DIYs.
i haven't gotten any of the festive diys cos no balloons have been spawning on my island, at some point im planning to make a big wishlist for all the diys i have missed from every season, and just use tbt to save me the effort of more time travelling and balloon hunting
I got almost none of the proper holiday stuff. I got a menorah from the shop...which means nothing to me, since I'm not Jewish. I got a festive wreath and holiday stockings. Later I got the sleigh, toy day stocking, and gift pile from Jingle. And...I think that was it. I literally never saw any holiday balloons. And it wasn't for a lack of trying. All I wanted was a nice Christmas tree, and some of those light-up displays, like the reindeer or the Christmas boxes. Anything that I was actually excited to use on my island...I never saw the slightest glimpse of.

Yeah! I am just starting to get them now because I just stumble across them while terraforming. It is a tad frustrating and makes me wish that I just traded for all of the ones I really wanted before Christmas.
Main Island Player bought the Festive DIY recipes.
2nd Players got all Winter/ Festive Recipes from balloons.

2nd Island main player had horrible luck on the 1st and 3rd night. Repeat Ornament Wreath twice and Holiday Candle twice.
The rest of the nights she had good luck and completed all Winter/ Festive Recipes.
Player 3 completed all the Winter/Festive Recipes and unlocked the Gold Slingshot.
Player 2 completed the Festive Recipes and needs 4 more Snowflake DIY.

Most of the DIY recipes were found while working on the town and completing Nook Miles. I usually play for 60 to 95 minutes and don't use Jail bars.
Is it not possible to find duplicates without using a second player? I haven't seen any for days after unlocking all of them.