February 12th
Well, today marks my visit to Katrina, but I was dumb enough to do at least some dailies before going over to Harvey's island first. I did get some good luck from her, on an area where I desperately needed it. So Harvey introduces me:
And after that, I got my first reading in this game ever. I've heard that it can influence our entire day, so her saying that little spell thingy was a pretty tense moment. But I must have had some kind of good karma saved up...
Good luck on money? Thank you, Katrina!

That was exactly what I needed, as I have my eye on some pretty expensive longer-term goals at the moment. So a little boost to the financials for the day was deeply appreciated. Katrina, something tells me that we're going to get along just fine...
I quickly stopped by Harriet after this, and the results were yet again... interesting.
What's it with me and hairdressers wanting to give me short, Karen-ish haircuts?

Something like this actually happened to me in real-life as a kid, you know. A hairdresser actually forced a short haircut on me, I was like 5 years old or something. My request was to only cut off the split ends, and my mother explicitly forbade cutting my hair short. I took great pride in my waist-length hair, and it was basically the only thing I was actually proud of as a shy, heavily bullied kid. And mind you, this hairdresser repeated this back to my mom as she confirmed that she
wouldn't give me a short hairstyle.
She actually kept pushing me on it when my mom was doing some grocery shopping in the meantime. And still tried sneaking one on me despite me repeatedly refusing about 50 times over. She ended up messing it up partway through, tells me, and almost gave me a buzz cut to still make it look half-decent.
Needless to say, when my mom is not happy when sees child me full-on ugly crying in the chair about this once she returns. The hairdresser nearly drops her scissors when she sees the look on Mama Scribbles' face, and first thing this hairdresser does is to try to fully blame this on little 5-yearold me. To my mom's face. Not a good idea. She sushes this woman mid-rant on how I 'actually asked for this', though, and asks little me what happened, while assuring me that I'm not the one who'll get in trouble. And in between sobs, I tell her the real story.
Now the fact that this hairdresser both did this to me and had the gall to lie to my mother's face
did not help calm her already rising anger about messing with her child... She spent like 10 minutes actively chewing this hairdresser out. Like, I even remember part of what exactly she told this hair-butcher, but couldn't post it here without breaking guidelines.

Let's just say that some choice words were uttered, and things ended on 'why don't you get a goshdarned life instead of lord your power over
children like that'... And that's the clean version of it!
You can understand: We did not return to that hair salon, and my mother ended up badmouthing the place to any playground mom who wanted to hear it in an attempt to spare other children the same fate. I actually had a legit fear of hairdressers until I was a teenager due to this. And as an adult, I still won't walk into any hair salon without at least 10 pictures of how I want my hair to look.
Umm, Harriet, you might want to cool it on the short hairstyles here...

Good thing she can actually undo it.
So with Katrina's blessing, I set out for the rest of my day. And as she predicted... Everything I sold today ended up bringing in just a little bit more Bells then usual. I did need storage space, though, so I went through there to see if there was anything I could gift my dream villager Rhonda to spruce up her house once I get Happy Home Paradise. I thought that the purple Heart-shaped Bouquet would look good in her house.
I still had one lying around because I wanted to get all of the variants, and I ordered a spare to maybe sell off later. I really like this one and the black one, so might end up using it my character's house as well. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I guess.
She also taught me a recipe later today.
Spike also dropped by today right as I was about to leave for Rhonda's house this morning: well, it's definitely better then someone like Biff visiting me.
I got a gift from him, and beat him at Higher or Lower.
After that, I dropped by the Able Sisters, and they actually had a mask in stock! Please be sure to wear one, folks.
I've also ordered one off Nookazon: I know that the corona virus is not a thing in Animal Crossing, but in real life, I don't ever go out without a mask. They tend to fog up my glasses whenever I breathe, but I'll take that over the virus any day! Like, at least I can still breathe on my own, that virus put people on rebreathers!
Over in the Netherlands, we're dealing with the omicron-variant right now: people say it's milder, but I had the worst fever out of all my vaccinations once I got my shot for it. I had a bout of fever after my second shot before, but this one hit in the middle of the night, and got so bad that I couldn't sleep. Like, my heart was racing and everything sue to the stress it caused in my body. Things actually got so bad, I got worried that I would have to ask my mom to drive me to the hospital. Like, I was still conscious and I could still move and talk properly, so I wasn't worried enough to wake anyone. Luckily, things
didn't get hospital kinds of bad, and I spent the next day recovering. But it did get more worrisome then the last vaccine-related fever I had: that was over in a day, I had no trouble sitting up in any way, and the cold sweats only lasted like 2 hours. This one lasted like 4 to 5 hours, and I struggled to even get in a remotely vertical position: I'm still not sure if I even slept at all that night. All I know is that morning came, and I felt like I got hit by a truck. So you can understand: if my body is already responding to what's essentially the training dummy for this virus this badly, then I don't want the real thing anywhere near me!
I've also been keeping quite the routine to keep this virus: no going outside with masks, as I know that people often try to walk right
through me! Also, when I get back, I wash my hands first, disinfect the outside of my purse, and disinfect my phone if I had it out at any time. After that, I sanitize my hands, and then I'm done. I usually hold on to the shoulder strap of my purse, as it sometimes slips off my shoulder if my hair is between the strap and my shoulder, and I won't always have sanitized while on the go. Same deal with my phone: I won't always have put on hand sanitizer before holding it. And the thing can survive up to at least 9 days on surfaces, which people seemto have forgotten, so I'm taking absolutely no risks there either.
Everyone around me is quite careful as well: my mom does something similar whenever she's done unpacking groceries, and my dad is even more paranoid about sanitizing stuff then I am!

He's an essential worker, though, so I frankly don't blame him. And we've all been avoiding crowds and busy places like the plague. An my grandma, who comes over every week, might not be able to wear a mask due to an aneurysm influencing her motor skills, but she still turns her mobility scooter the heck around if she sees a crowded place! Not even she is taking any risk. It might all seem a little extreme, but what we've been doing is working: none of us got infected yet. We've basically been going full zombie apocalypse on this thing: We've been keeping our cool, our resources are still in a good state, and no infected in the household yet. We're also all doing well mentally, so I'd say we're handling things.
After that, I went to a Kapp'n Island.
It was a vine sort of island again, but one can never have enough. And it's going to be nice having a bit of a stock of glowing moss for future DIY purposes.
Here's the loot, with a different wetsuit to look at, since I got a bit tired of staring at that same old Nook inc. one the entire time myself.
I'm lowkey getting either Pugsley or Uncle Fester from the Addams Family vibes from this, and I love it. I also found a new DIY for a Glowing Moss Dress while there. To continue the nautical adventures, I went diving for a little bit after emptying out my inventory. I've actually changed up my wetsuit for a bit: Pascal dropped me another Pearl today.
After that, I decided to spruce up some parts of the island a little. So since Tiansheng is staying at least until I get his photo, he got his own custom fence until he eventually leaves.
I had some spare materials lying around that I needed get rid of for storage space reasons, so why not? I like to limit the materials in my storage at like 2 full stacks, and a 3rd started to pile up while I was grinding for more softwood to make a different fence.
You see, I was kind of tired of the basic fence around my orchard, and I was sort of reorganizing it anyways: I had placed the trees kind of randomly when moving it to where it is now, so I placed all of the fruit trees of one kind together. You know, all of the orange trees together, all of the pear trees, etc. I kind of had to stop midway through because I ran out of food, and I didn't have enough to put all of the trees in my inventory. But now that I;ve gotten that out of the way, it turns out that I actually have more space left in there to plant new fruit types then I thought!
Yup, once I find the remaining two fruit types, I'll be good.

I could easily fit 3 trees in the upper-left corner, and both the lower left and lower right could still fit like 4 each. Turns out that I have a pretty equal division of each type going on for the trees I've already planted in here as well: I have about 4 pear trees, 4 orange trees, and 4 cherry trees. I think that's a good spot to be in. I am trying to get them to produce fruit at the same time, though: they're now all on a different schedule for when fruit actually appears on them, so I'm harvesting them too often. I actually want to only have to harvest on one day, so now, I'm actually holding off on that until all trees have fruit on them as a bit of a reset here.
And since it's Saturday today, K.K. Slider was playing. I actually requested K.K. Metal this time.
And after a few Nook Mile missions, the last thing on the agenda was a cup of coffee at the Roost. Ah, Brewster, you're always a sight for sore eyes at the end of the day.
Wish we could still work at the Roost in this game, so sad that Nintendo scrapped that feature in New Horizons. I can basically delete entire columns in my Animal Crossing spreadsheet now, as I've recorded the coffee preference of any villager I'm remotely interested in, just in case. Whether I want a villager on my island or archipelago, I know how they like their coffee. iu guess Brewster would lowkey be proud of me.

I still did some house customizing over at the Resident Services after this, but I only really got my door changed. I sort of called it a day after that.
Well, I've decided that I'm getting Happy Home Paradise on the 14th, so wish me luck!

I guess that counts as me celebrating Valentine's Day? I'm still in preparation for it in-game, but I often don't celebrate it as intensely in real life: I'm a single pringle. But I don't mind, because at least Pringles are delicious!

But in all seriousness, I'm not exactly salty about having been single for about my entire life. I mean, it would be nice to share the highs and lows of my life with someone, but being single definitely has its perks.
Thank you for reading, and hope you enjoyed!