Cicada Shells


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2018
WHY OH WHY did Nintendo make it SO HARD to find these little buggers? They're not even bugs, and I've been searching 7+ hours for one. I TT'd to August so that I could finish my critterpedia, and I have EVERYTHING except this little elusive scamp! Anyone else have trouble finding these?!
I found them when I wasn't looking for them both on my island and a mystery island.

It always feels more grueling when you're actively hunting for something specific, lol.
It took me forever to find one. I still need to find one for my alt character on that island and on my second island. Good luck with finding one.
In all my time in NH I've found one. 500+ hours and only one. These are also one of the only bug models that goes for a super high price on other sites and discords. These little shells are the most valuable, + they look cool placed :D
I found them when I wasn't looking for them both on my island and a mystery island.

It always feels more grueling when you're actively hunting for something specific, lol.

Do you remember the times you caught them? I've heard they're more frequent from 5pm-7pm, but that could just be an internet rumor.
One was either 5pm-6pm and other was night when I found them. I can't tell what time it was in this photo.
I've gotten it donated and a model made, but man christ yeah. these things are pure troll level spawn rates vs their nook's resale value
Caught one in July very easily - wasn't even trying to look for one and really I had no idea they even existed. I just saw something weird on a tree, took out my bug net and sswoosh~

My advice? The harder you search for one the less likely it'll spawn. Just be casual. Sooner or later you'll get one. That's RNG reserve psychology.
bruh I still haven't found one and it's literally the only bug I'm missing lmaoo

might have to go hunt for it here soon cause tbh I'm getting tired of not having a complete bug dex 🤔
Ahh, I know this pain well! I have seen only two the entire time I've been playing, and I've been playing pretty much since the release, more or less. I finished my bug critterpedia back in december, by TT'ing back to when you can catch them and searching and playing as much as I could until I finally, finally got lucky! The first one I saw was back when they first started spawning last year, and silly me messed up and knocked it right off the tree. >.< Just keep playing around that time and you'll eventually stumble on it! But try and do other things or you'll frustrate yourself only looking for it.

Also complain freely about it. xD I was ranting about how tough it was to find one to my best friend right up until I got it, and the funny thing was, she had already caught on herself while visiting *my* island!! We joked that she depleted all my cicada shell resources. xD
oh lord i feel this. i managed to catch one for my museum and critterpedia over the summer but it took much, much longer than i was expecting - with how common the cicadas are, i thought their shell would be fairly common too,, but clearly that isn’t the case. 🥴 it’s weird knowing that the number of rare critters i’ve caught is a lot higher than the number of cicada shells i’ve seen. >_<
Those things are impossible to find!
I was lucky I found 1 but I still need 3 more to make a model.
I heard if you go in and out of houses/store/ etc your chance of finding them goes up by who knows...
good luck!