Seen them in real life, as we have them where I live during summer. Been hearing them a lot lately now since we've been having a heat wave this whole week. A few weeks ago when it was a little cooler though, my brother and I found one that was being quite still on our driveway. I didn't want us to accidentally run over it with the car or anything, so I tried to see if it would move. It was so still that my brother and I weren't even sure it was alive at first, but I managed to kind of flick it with this piece of wood and it flew away. I kind of screamed because that's not something I wanted to do and I'm scared of a lot of bugs, but I wanted it to go to a safer place ksefkdg. My brother may have judged me for the yelp I let out, but I don't know how much he can judge when he wasn't willing to get close to it.