Cliff-y Island Entrances


oh rats
Apr 16, 2019
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Black Famous Mushroom
White Star Fragment
Blue Candy
I'm looking for some inspiration / mainly some how to on cliff-y island entrances!
I want to kind of hide Resident Services with some tall cliffs, and I have seen screen shots with this general vibe, but I'm not entirely sure how to execute it with terraforming?

So I'm wondering if anyone has an entrance like this and would be willing to share their map or dream code with me please? :) Or Youtube videos would help too! Apparently I suck at trying to look up what I want.

Kind of like this, for a general idea (stolen from Google, credit to whoever this is sobs)


Thanks a bunch for any help! :)
heres a link that i believe matches what ur trying to go for ? :
this one as well:
though the third one u have to skip to about 2:19 for what im trying to show lol.
also if i may ask, is it terraforming specifically ur having trouble w ? or are u having trouble finding an image u can reference thats close to what u want/have in mind
this is the video I used to inspire my current entrance! I'll put some pics in the spoiler but it doesn't look quite as good lol, I'm also missing a few bushes to give it the finishing touches (which will replace the custom design placeholders)


also if i may ask, is it terraforming specifically ur having trouble w ? or are u having trouble finding an image u can reference thats close to what u want/have in mind
Thank you soooo much for linking those videos! Those are awesome helpful.
What I have trouble with is terraforming. I've always been bad it - I just can't really "put pen to paper" if you will. So like I can imagine what I want but when I try to actually do it I go "????????????????"
But those (first two especially) help a lot since it actually shows someone doing it!
Also wow that third island some people are so creative it just slays me.
I'm also the type to hit the cliff/water with my little shovel like ten trillion times and it STILL looks wanky. No clue how everyone is always getting such nice looking edges so quickly ahhh.

this is the video I used to inspire my current entrance! I'll put some pics in the spoiler but it doesn't look quite as good lol, I'm also missing a few bushes to give it the finishing touches (which will replace the custom design placeholders)
Another super awesome and useful video!! Thank you so much *o*
Also your entrance looks great and those views really help me too. :D
I can only hope to manage something close to as good! :)
Terraforming intimidates me, but the flatness at the entrance is really annoying me so I'mma GO FOR IT.

Try looking up forest town/cottagecore videos for inspiration. Most of them have entrances like that
I'll give that a shot! I was definitely having a hard time finding videos like this.. Thank you! :)
I haven't done anything with my entrance, but now I think I want a cliff entrance. Thanks for the idea.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the resources!! It really helped and inspired me to actually try this.
Which is the most terraforming I've ever done haha. I've still got plenty of work to do, but I'm so pleased with the START of this area.
I also moved my house here, and I freaking looooove having my house:
A) next to the airport, makes trading & storage easy/fast
B) next to Resident Services - I get to see my villagers zooming around the plaza all day lmao!





I wish I could do this, I regret choosing a map with RS being 5 tiles from my airport :cry:

Oh man, 5 is definitely rough ):
I had a wild 17 spaces (not trying to gloat, this is partly why I felt like the space was so VAST and empty).

BUT I do think it may be worth it to try and slap a couple cliffs there - you could make it work - especially if your Resident Services is at an angle? Like the video that arikins posted above actually shows a small cliff-y entrance at an angle.

And this did make me think of a small cliff-y entrance I saw a while ago, I couldn't find the exact one but I did find these two:


^I think something like this would look good even without the path & bushes/flowers!

Just saying, it might be worth it to give it a shot :3
Oh man, 5 is definitely rough ):
I had a wild 17 spaces (not trying to gloat, this is partly why I felt like the space was so VAST and empty).

BUT I do think it may be worth it to try and slap a couple cliffs there - you could make it work - especially if your Resident Services is at an angle? Like the video that arikins posted above actually shows a small cliff-y entrance at an angle.

And this did make me think of a small cliff-y entrance I saw a while ago, I couldn't find the exact one but I did find these two:
View attachment 354295

View attachment 354294
^I think something like this would look good even without the path & bushes/flowers!

Just saying, it might be worth it to give it a shot :3
Thanks! I'm currently trying new things. My RS is directly aligned with the rocks of the airport, so I can't seem to get anything good unfortunately. But I'm going to keep trying!
I always wanted my entrance to be like this...but, it's literally the exact opposite of how my town is laid it would take SO much work. They really need an update that makes island building easier. As it stands, the level of work required is just such a tremendous chore to bother. Especially when you have 10 houses, your own house, and all of the other buildings. You're talking about half of a literal month with no time traveling just to move the buildings around...and that's assuming that you can effectively sculpt the terrain around all of those buildings in the process. I truly hate it.