Shop -Closed-❀🌹 Bush starts/- hybrids- Mushrooms/Legendary Pokemon/ Birthstones❀

Hey! I'm looking for a golden water can. I'm not very good with figuring out how much it's worth in TBT, but my friend got hers for 15TBT, I can give you 25 if that seems fair? I'm not sure gahhh what do you think?
hey again~ may i have a whirlpool bath, 24 shop abd, mush closet, 5 pink roses and 5 black roses please! would 50tbt be okay for you? :eek:
I'll take all your black roses and black lilies.

150btb right?
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bloop i've gotten more purple roses then pink roses doing redxwhite...
What are the dates on the cherries you have? C:

- - - Post Merge - - -

oops im dumb let me look lol

edit: Could i swap my cherry (dated 7/27/2014) with one of yours? Your cherries are dated a few minutes after my peach and i'd love to be able to get both of those fruits together in my line :3
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ok so can I order 35 pink tulips. 25 pink liles, 20 blue pansies, 50 purple roses and 60 blue roses for 630 btb or is that too much to order
Not at all
I would like to deliver to your place xD, my cycle town is all flowers and i put all my hybrids into alt locker ;o;
EDIT: Nevermind! I had what I needed in my garden shop today ^-^
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