Mayor: Luna
Town: Moonbug
Friend Code (optional):1650-1794-4598
Dream Address (optional):4200-2128-1496
Villagers (optional):Bones, Daisy, Astrid, Bianca, Blanche, Apple, Tia, Chevre, Lucy, Whitney
Names under them?yes
Sprite indication: apple-all obtained all my dreamies
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? 5 at the top 5 at the bottom
Outline text colour i'll let you decide what's looks best
Main text colour: i'll let you decide what's looks best
Font (if left blank, I will decide): I'll let you decide what's looks best
Signature background (provide the URL):
Animated sig? yes
Curved/rounded border? yes please thank you
Any extra add-ons? a picture of my mayor, can you scale it down and make the background transparent? - not sure about this decide...this is my character..i attached a picture below
Hi Kitsune,
i've never ordered a signature before i hope my order form is okay
not sure about the text color and online text color...i will leave you to decide what looks best...
can you please add that my museum is completed..
will check here later after work...thank you so much