Hi Kitsune..I'm back again lol..

i have multiple order...hope that's okay...i'm in no hurry...you can do them at your convenience..thank you again
4th signature order
Mayor: Luna
Town: Moonbug
Friend Code (optional): 1650-1794-4598
Dream Address (optional): 4200-2128-1496
Villagers (optional): Bones, Daisy, Astrid, Bianca, Blanche, Apple, Tia, Chevre, Lucy, Whitney
Dreamies (optional): all dreamies obtained
Names under them? yes
Sprite indication (e.g: Leaving, keeping, dreamie): obtained-chocolate cupcake
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? (e.g: all in a straight line, 5 at the top, 5 at the bottom) 2 on top by the grassy on floating lake, 2 on stairs, 4 on stepping stone - 4 big stepping stone, 2 below the floating lake
Outline text colour (this colour will appear around the text): i'll let u decide what's best
Main text colour: i'll let u decide what's best
Font (if left blank, I will decide): i'll let u decide what's best
Signature background (provide the URL): http://i1309.photobucket.com/albums/s625/Kitsune-Nikki/a7_zpsqibw6tdp.gif
Animated sig? yes
Any borders? (Cloud, Heart, Star) no
Coloured border? no
Curved border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) curved
Transparent white strip? no
Any extra add-ons? will it be possible for you to remove the "cat dome" and add chopper instead? you can decide what's best...let me know of how much total and i will send tbt bells immediately......thanks again
- - - Post Merge - - -
Hi Kitsune..I'm back again lol.. i have multiple order...hope that's okay...i'm in no hurry...you can do them at your convenience..thank you again
5th signature order
Mayor: Luna
Town: Moonbug
Friend Code (optional): 1650-1794-4598
Dream Address (optional): 4200-2128-1496
Villagers (optional): Bones, Daisy, Astrid, Bianca, Blanche, Apple, Tia, Chevre, Lucy, Whitney
Dreamies (optional): all dreamies obtained
Names under them? yes
Sprite indication (e.g: Leaving, keeping, dreamie): obtained-pink carnation
Villagers/Dreamies lined up in any specific formation? (e.g: all in a straight line, 5 at the top, 5 at the bottom) you can spread them on the clouds..
Outline text colour (this colour will appear around the text): i'll let u decide what's best
Main text colour: i'll let u decide what's best
Font (if left blank, I will decide): i'll let u decide what's best - font size - not too big
Signature background (provide the URL): http://s1309.photobucket.com/user/Kitsune-Nikki/media/a10_zpshwztnupu.gif.html
Animated sig? yes
Any borders? (Cloud, Heart, Star) no
Coloured border? no
Curved border? (Only applies to a rectangular curved signature) curved
Transparent white strip? no
Any extra add-ons? will it be possible for you to add my mayor...like before...put her in the middle...3x bigger than the villagers...please put fc on top left, town on top middle, DA on top right...and please add the flying chopper, maybe 2x bigger the size of the villager on the middle far right of the background (hope this makes sense lol)....if there's extra charge for the add-ons..its okay...just let me know...thank you